Example sentences of "be at [noun pl] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We 're at pains to stress this is n't a protest , but we were here for rest and recreation , ’ he said , ‘ so if I ca n't send my men ashore ; there 's not much point in staying . ’
2 I think that the skills and interest we develop in our young graduates these days are very much wider ranging and they 're reflected into the great variety of jobs into which you go , and erm frequently in talking to young people about geography I 'm at pains to say well we 're really rather a useless subject , but we do give insights into a lot of sorts of problems and erm these lead in many directions .
3 Time will be standing still in Kington on sunday … the streets should be empty … they 'll all be at Lords to cheer their cricket team on the village eleven have made it all the way to the final after 25 years of trying …
4 The BCU have confirmed that the International Canoe Exhibition will be at Ponds Forge in Sheffield on 20th–21st Feb next year , much more central for the whole country .
5 Even though there are both specific and general exemptions from this provision it is so important to the client that the solicitor must be at pains to explain its effect very carefully to an applicant for legal advice .
6 The Princess appeared to be at pains to avoid sensationalism as she declined to specify the abuses that the federation is aiming to stamp out .
7 ‘ Electability ’ has been the watchword , and Mr Clinton will be at pains to fend off the ‘ special interest groups ’ — militant blacks , gays , feminists , welfare-wafflers , anti-military isolationists — who have given the party a bad name among ‘ ordinary folks ’ .
8 In the morning they left Scott of Eldinhope in rather better mood , the Regent being at pains to pay for benefits received , which clearly the laird had not expected .
9 The outstanding options , exercisable during the years 1993 to 2001 , to acquire 6,658,422 shares were at prices ranging from £1.93 to £2.92 per share .
10 Although he obviously trains hard , the English management were at times left frustrated by his preference for playing over preparation .
11 The two brothers were at times united in their hostility to Chilperic 's son Chlothar II , and at one moment they reduced the latter 's kingdom to territory between the Seine , the Oise and the sea .
12 If indigence were the sole criterion , then the category would include Oliver Goldsmith , the young Samuel Johnson , Christopher Smart and numerous other poets who enjoyed the distinct privilege of a university education but were at times besieged by duns .
13 Anxious to deny any significant revolutionary input , they were at pains to resist any suggestion that machine breaking could have had any links with a revolutionary political movement .
14 As Lawrence and Lorsch were at pains to point out ( see Chapter 13 ) integration is as crucial to organizational success as differentiation .
15 The durability of the red metal had been recognized centuries before and copper and brass domestic ware was , as the 16th Century copper smelters were at pains to point out , far better than their brittle cast-iron counterparts .
16 After all , as you yourself were at pains to point out to me , you 're already well supplied with lovers . ’
17 Of course , those who squeezed him out were at pains to say Young was staying on as Young Group chief executive .
18 Repealers were at pains to stress the immense cultural distance which separated them from their opponents ; they positioned themselves as wholly outside the political and military elite which upheld the acts .
19 Government spokesmen in both Houses were at pains to stress that the Government was concerned with the public order aspects of the law .
20 Indeed I pointed out to the Court that one year earlier , at the time of the National Bank Dispute , the Bank of Ireland were at pains to separate the Bank Assistant 's Claim from the main Claim which they had always stated was debarred by the P.E.S.P.
21 Erm the point that they were at pains to make as well was that erm that because of the low cost nature of these homes erm the charge for a mortgage would actually be less than er , is is common in a charge for most association properties with similar sites erm in terms of rent .
22 They were at pains to prove that moral or immoral development was not fixed or inevitable , for all the evolutionary stress on inherited characteristics .
23 Israel 's Environment Minister Yossi Sarid attended the meeting , the first time an Israeli official has attended a regional conference in an Arab state , although delegates were at pains to play down this aspect , stressing that environmental problems went beyond political differences .
24 Pleasantly surprised , only half of Italian population were at gates trying to get in .
25 The prospect of an interesting friendship had been destroyed and now they were at daggers drawn .
26 This is important in the treatment of self-poisoning patients because , as has already been noted , they are at times regarded with hostility by hospital staff ( p. 22 ) , and by relatives and friends ( p. 23 ) .
27 Rather than analysing ‘ social ’ history in isolation from political developments , as social historians are at times accused of doing , they have dwelt upon the interaction between popular experience and mentality , on the one hand , and the struggle for power on the other .
28 Salerooms are at pains to point out that such paintings are now fetching as high or higher prices than ever .
29 Many of our beginners ' pieces are at pains to point out that there are three main types of filtration — mechanical — the straining of loose debris from the water ; chemical — the adsorption of chemicals from the water onto another media or a resin ; and biological — the breakdown of ammonia to nitrites to nitrates .
30 Mrs. Campbell hoped that a tide waiter 's post might be found for the man , but there was more to it than charity , for , as she advised her cousin , William Anderson 's brother was a rich baker who had lately filled the office of deacon convener of trades in Stirling , and ‘ as he has a near connection with severalls in the present management I wish if possible you could fall on a way to get this small thing for him , it wou 'd make a noise amongest the folks to see that we are at pains to do for them ’ .
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