Example sentences of "be at its [adj] " in BNC.

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1 If this applies to you and you find some situations more difficult than others , stop and think about those areas where your confidence appears to be at its lowest — what can you do to improve matters ?
2 On the back label we state that the product should be drunk within one year of purchase as this is when the product will be at its best .
3 " It 's terribly important to get the balance right between the levels of plants the height of the trees , shrubs and ground cover plants and the main areas of shade and sunlight , as well as the seasons at which each plant will be at its best . "
4 The only snag with this last course was that when the pension was paid out in 2003 it would still be at its 1970 value .
5 His percentage short passing game will have to be at its sharpest to stop the Oilers ' linebackers turning Smokin' Joe into smoked quarter back .
6 The odd thing was that he considered life to be at its quietest in the midst of the most thunderous , ear-splitting waves .
7 The exposure draft does not examine accounting for liabilities and it requires the transfer of a security between categories to be at its fair value .
8 Moreover , the fact remains that despite its recent record on public participation , MDC 's accountability to elected authorities and local communities continues to be at its own discretion .
9 What we 're saying on the whole is that we , we are moving south erm militarily we , we now control most of north China , we begin to move on to the into areas of very high tenancy where landlordism was thought to be at its extreme but all we 're doing is reducing rents and interest rents .
10 Often the emphasis on shared values has been at its greatest in time of war or other national crisis .
11 Morale had been at its highest for years , up to the moment that the news had reached them that Merseyside was out .
12 Not only that but Bates , in a period when the game in Britain has been at its lowest ebb , has won 16 of his 27 singles , 10 out of 17 in live rubbers , and 6 of his 11 doubles .
13 Notebooks out plagiarists while I reveal the secret of NME 's enduring success : some music papers have been good at treating Rock as An Art Form , others have been great at capturing the essential triviality , sensuality and sheer stupidity of pop ; NME , when it 's been at its best , has managed to combine the two things without going stark staring schizo-bonkers .
14 Someone with Walker 's pace and knowhow would be a prize addition to a defence which has not been at its ruthless best during the Gunners ' recent barren run .
15 It seems to have been at its worst among the women , according to the weekly out-of-work register , in 1934–6 , when 10–15 per cent of the membership was regularly signing on .
16 Life is tough at times , and it 's when it 's at its toughest that we probably need and deserve some rewards .
17 It 's at its highest in rural areas , this is what 's being done .
18 The authority says the region was hit by a belt of rain of tropical proportions and the river 's at its highest in 10 years .
19 ‘ Three in the morning , ’ she said sombrely , ‘ when life 's at its lowest ebb . ’
20 ‘ The park 's at its widest point here , ’ Caro said , stretching her arms to demonstrate .
21 When I 'm in danger , when it 's all going against me , that 's when it 's at its strongest .
22 ‘ It 's at its bluest early .
23 In the position where rotor and stator teeth are fully aligned , as in stack A of Fig.1.3(b) , the reluctance of the main flux path is at its minimum value .
24 Ursula 's diary is reflective too , but is at its best in its evocations of place — of the nothingness of the desert , especially .
25 The exception is David Marquand 's splendid biography of Ramsay MacDonald , which is at its best when dealing with 1931 .
26 The fossil record of insects is at its best from Tertiary deposits , where amber , the fossil resin of coniferous trees in which insects became entrapped , yield great numbers of exquisitely preserved specimens .
27 Good for the fishing , though the River Garry is at its best from February to May for the spring salmon .
28 The plant is at its best at a temperature of around 75°F .
29 Achiltibuie is at its best on a fine sunny day of clear visibility .
30 However , since the silhouette of the Opera House is at its best from this vantage point , I did try some sunrise pictures , which gave a glorious red sky , and allowed the black shape of the Opera House itself to hide the diggings in the foreground .
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