Example sentences of "be at their [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But they 're at their best during songs like ‘ Stomach Worm ’ , where a cute , simplistic beat pop tune ascends slowly into noisy chaos , thrashing around in an acid bath and trying to keep from being submerged .
2 And when they 're flowering they 're at their best .
3 They 're at their slackest . ’
4 It had been his job to grow all the flowers in the first place , and they all had to be at their best on this particular auspicious day in June .
5 In that way , the flowers will be at their best for pressing , and you will still be able to enjoy some of the bouquet as fresh flowers .
6 But Boro boss Lennie Lawrence insisted : ‘ They 're championship contenders , but did n't have to be at their best to beat us .
7 That was when the watchers would have to be at their best .
8 It is being argued that children 's explanations will be at their best in situations which conform to the normal rules of discourse .
9 Although you may still find them on sale in the spring , they 're unlikely to be at their best by then so now is the time to buy them and get them planted before the bad frosts .
10 They need to be at their best tomorrow to beat Orrell and make it to the semi-finals .
11 In green houses all over the country prize blooms are being brought on to be at their best for next week 's Chelsea Flower Show .
12 If Mark Mattock can help it , all these roses will be at their best in time for the start of the Chelsea Flower Show next week .
13 ‘ There is a hunger and commitment within this Maghery side and Clans will need to be at their best , I reckon , ’ he points out .
14 But they must be at their best to overcome the visitors , who are comfortably holding down third place in the division .
15 Overall dependency ratios are projected to be at their lowest in the United States in 2010 ( Binney and Estes 1988 ) .
16 In the sense that , in a way going on from what I was saying on the face of it south China ought to be the area where land reform will be easiest to achieve in the sense that here you 've got a society which is landlord dominated , heavily landlord dominated and therefore w where one would expect that the antagonism , antagonisms between landlords and tenants would be at their greatest .
17 The molars will be at their sharpest between the ages of four and six years of age .
18 The flowers should open and be at their glorious , fragrant best for Christmas .
19 At least on the farm I can work ‘ flexi-time ’ , not like some of the boys who have to be at their civy job at half eight in the morning .
20 Thus , reading right-wing papers had most effect upon increasing Thatcher 's ratings on the ‘ soft ’ virtues and depressing Kinnock 's ratings on the ‘ hard ’ virtues — that is , on those aspects of each politician 's image where they were generally considered to be at their weakest .
21 Reading right-wing papers had most effect upon improving Thatcher 's image on the ‘ soft ’ virtues and damaging Kinnock 's image on the ‘ hard ’ virtues — that is , on those aspects of each politician 's image where they were generally considered to be at their weakest .
22 The Kings did not need to be at their pearly best to win 111-77 .
23 This will be at their next meeting on 2 April 1992 .
24 Outside the family , the claims of work and career ( which may be at their strongest at this time ) may either frustrate paternal longings or provide compensation for the displacement .
25 I do not follow The Guardian 's statement about farm incomes being at their lowest for 50 years , because many farmers whom I know now have two cars , quite tidy houses and a reasonable lifestyle .
26 The lakes were at their lowest levels for 20 years , and Chew was lower than I can ever remember .
27 Her spirits were at their lowest ebb .
28 The lasguns were at their lowest setting ; though mistakes might still occur .
29 An agreement with China could also ease the American way out of Vietnam , bring new markets for American goods , set up a new element in the balance of world power , and discourage the Soviet Union from a possible attack on China at a time when Sino-Russian relations were at their lowest point ( CORE , p. 168 ) .
30 She was sitting on the bed with her album — that sparsely-peopled record of whatever it was that she 'd left behind and she was n't leafing through it but hugging it close , as if it was a physical source of comfort to her when times were at their lowest .
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