Example sentences of "be that i think " in BNC.

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1 There were one or two that were that I think were a little bit careless and did n't quite get the construction correct for them .
2 The point 's that I think is trying to be made is that there are a lot of people here tonight who do wish to express an opinion and that opinion is not necessarily formulated in question form .
3 ‘ It 's that I think you 're gay !
4 What does worry me though , is that I think he still thought it was a ‘ female sex aid device ’ !
5 If I 'm depressed at all it is that I think that you could make this process slightly less obtrusive and violent and spark-generating if there was more systematic analysis and discussion beforehand , going back a long way .
6 I would say : if you want to talk of my thinking it in such circumstances then the least misleading thing to say is that I think it in saying it .
7 The point that I was seeking to make a moment ago — I reiterate it now — is that I think that it is to the advantage of everyone in Northern Ireland for the politicians of Northern Ireland , of all shades of opinion , to come together , to talk and to express their mutual wish for peace in Northern Ireland .
8 ‘ What I mean , ’ said Robert , feeling a direct approach was required , ‘ is that I think I am having a nervous breakdown . ’
9 And I 'll start backwards by saying what I 'd like to see , and that is that I think with a group of women coming from such a broad spectrum , that the work we 're going to do is never going to be the same and there are going to be large areas in which we may not be able to work together .
10 ‘ All I 'm saying is that I think we need to be apart for a while , come down to earth , if you like .
11 A a as you and various other people likely said erm a lot of people regarded it as a kind of act of erm racial er disloyalty I 'm not bothered about what race I am , I 'm just bothered about the truth , and the truth is that I think erm Moses was not Jewish well who 's to know , who 's to know erm as I said it 's a fascinating book and if , if you like that kind of detective story approach to history , you , you might , you might enjoy reading it , erm there are , i it raises a lot of other issues , many of which I 'll talk about in the , in the lectures , so I , I wo n't waste time say repeating it all here .
12 Again my my personal view is that I think phasing has got a lot a lot going for it but I do not know how you could phase current commitments , because after all those those are on the table now .
13 Now my view is that I think rather like your comment on Christian doing concerts , Scottish Amicable er Standard Life Scottish Hydro , Scottish Power , Scottish Nuclear I do n't necessarily see it as making influence to make a decision to make a purchase or to recommend a purchase to the third party in another part of Scotland
14 The fact is that I think in the sense that from the north west .
15 So , I mean what I 'm saying is that I think we should have a league table if you like of , of attendances , I , I recognise that that may not be popular , but I think it 's going to be one way of sorting out those people who attend every opportunity , and sometimes just to pat an officer on the back .
16 If we 're gon na do a deal then we , we , we have some to drive it through but what I 'm saying is that I think that if you have this meeting I , which is what February the second ?
17 And the reason I say it , and the reason I labour the point , is that I think amongst the problems that we 've encountered particularly in budget review is to have chief officers and their staff producing reports in which they have a very clear vested interest .
18 Gravedigger Jose Molina said : ‘ What scares me is that I think I 'll be her first victim . ’
19 What I will say , though , is that I think we killed off Kilmarnock 's challenge at the week-end and , if we do n't go up now , we should be put up against a wall and shot . ’
20 It its a big task , em er the thing is that I think that that the first point of call is one is that we get the questionnaire out and see whether you know the one where can we can the questionnaires to all the neighbourhood watch is it , w w we prepare the questionnaire and we get on and send it out , right .
21 All I know is that I think it 's a safe distance for me to drive behind that car at any given time .
22 Erm , I think it 's worth saying that er us j just reiterating on what councillor has just said and that is that I think most tenants are very well aware of the right to buy and er er the motion being unnecessary but what happens with the motion is that it possibly attracts people who really in many ways can not actually afford to buy er to take advantage of their rights but who might be persuaded by very persuasive tactics to do so .
23 The first thing is that I think people need to recognise that the investigation of savings generated a figure of one point four million pounds .
24 I have two points to make by suggestion : - one is that I think that the final of these related documents should be discretionary I do n't see why you should have to keep the file .
25 One is that I think in order to overcome some of the objections that that we heard from Leeds yesterday in terms of the erm the urban regeneration policies , that any proposal would would certainly need to be re-relocating from outside the region .
26 There 's another aspect to what we do , and that is that I think we are part of a very powerful developing movement in education , and it is based on the concept that education should not stop with the terminal rituals of school and college , and that education should be as much part of life , wanting to know , to find out , to get to grips with the body of information and knowledge that 's available in society .
27 One of the reasons , Brian , is that I think German history is too important to be left to the German historians .
28 One of the nice aspects of a task such as that is that I think we , as professional physicists — and I 'm a physicist too erm we , as professional physicists , feel there 's a right way of doing something because it 's the way we learnt and we 've got used to , and we tend to instil this idea into other people .
29 The other side of that is that I think a lot of dons are increasingly concerned at the level of alcohol consumption and the sort of behaviour that can emerge as a result of it , you know I do sense that many of us think it 's a real problem .
30 What I am suggesting is that I think if you if you concentrate only on the question of who are the chief officers that 's very important and that 's very indicative , but it 's not the whole story .
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