Example sentences of "be that in [det] " in BNC.

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1 It is not always possible to say precisely which kind of eyes these are pretending to be , but the chances are that in most cases they are mimicking the forward-facing eyes of birds of prey .
2 The depressing facts of the matter are that in those sectors still covered by the councils , areas like shops and catering and laundries , security and administration , people are already working punishing shifts for pittances because their employers know the chances of being caught dispensing illegal hourly rates are minimal as are the resultant fines in those few cases successfully brought to prosecution .
3 The chances are that in some organizations there will be real difficulties and dangers such as in nursing , coal mining , and heavy industries or indeed any work situation which has machinery .
4 The effect of this change in responsibility has been that in many schools the provision of meals and the supervision of children during the mid-day break has drifted out to the margins of importance and there has been , in general , a gradual decline in the numbers of children receiving cooked meals on school premises .
5 The result has been that in many GIS spatial queries initiated by the user must be formulated in terms of a software-specific command language .
6 The result has been that in some cases the insurance premiums which manufacturers have to pay to protect themselves are so high as to make it no longer profitable for them to remain in business .
7 The fact seems to be that in such cases it is inappropriate to think in terms of discrete variation .
8 So you 've got these problems of balance , and it may be that in these situations Local Authorities have got to take a higher role in providing for their own people , as it were .
9 It may be that in those circumstances an injunction could be obtained against him effectively to prevent his giving his authority to advertising activities in the name of the firm which would be prohibited if done in his own name .
10 ‘ It 'll be that in any case , wo n't it ? ’
11 In Darcy 's Utopia the first rule of education will be that in any school the teachers shall outnumber the pupils , and no pupil need attend who does not wish to do so .
12 It may well be that in some metropolitan areas Labour is suffering the kind of adverse voter reaction noted in the London boroughs , but the issue of the poll tax appears itself to have had very little substantive impact on the differences in electoral behaviour between authorities .
13 ‘ It may be that in some parts of the country the trade off will emphasise accountability more and cost less . ’
14 Another reason for Yugoslavia 's large exports to the Soviet Union is said to be that in this way the Soviet Union can obtain Western products which would not otherwise be so easily available to it .
15 Member States would normally be given eighteen months within which to incorporate the directive objectives into their domestic laws , but it may well be that in this case a shorter period is specified .
16 We could perhaps speak of coming to ‘ know ’ being , but it may be that in this case ‘ knowledge ’ is itself a metaphor .
17 I understand the various accou er professional bodies in the accountancy industry are in fact doing that but I think the government should also do that because it is not just the probity of financial institutions we are concerned about , it is also er the auditing of other commercial concerns and it seems to be that in this case the public interest has taken second place to the government 's wish to do as little as possible , yet again the minister said in the debate that if we were to do anything further in response to a question put by my honourable friend the member for Grimsby , it would need legislation , primary legislation .
18 The present situation concerning the question , under which circumstances do states arise , is that in all honesty most anthropologists would hesitate to generalize .
19 But what is most extraordinary is that in all these little villages and towns there are Stars and Stripes displayed everywhere , usually in association with the red , white and blue of the Czech flag .
20 That working-class wages would remain at subsistence level — the fact is that the real wage of the average worker has increased by a factor of over ten between 1900–70 in the UK and by a factor of fourteen in the U S over the same period ; that collective ownership of the means of production would result in an increase of wealth for the workers and so improve their lot — the fact is that in both Russia and Cuba it has been necessary to restore discipline in factories by introducing a military routine with the surplus value being siphoned off by the state ; that communist revolutions would start in such advanced industrial countries such as Britain , France , America and Germany — the fact is that a socialist revolution has taken place in none of these countries ; that conflicts between states are the results of capitalism and will cease under communism — the fact is that in the streets of Budapest and Prague , in Afghanistan and on the Soviet-Chinese border we have seen the power of the Red Army being used against fellow communists ; that the income difference between capitalists and workers will rise — the fact is that in all industrial countries the effective after-tax , after-benefits real income gap between rich and poor has diminished ; that capitalism will collapse because of its internal contradictions — the fact is that capitalism has not collapsed in any Western country , yet .
21 The irony is that in all of the experiments on test-tube fusion that began in 1989 following the March announcements , and which variously claimed fusion evidence from heat or from radiant neutrons , no measurable production of helium ever took place .
22 What they do have in common is that in all cases industry will be looking for the location where it can make the best profit .
23 The important thing to remember , however , is that in many cases no definitive diagnosis can be made until the results have come back from the laboratory and the fact that nothing has been found at the time of the first visit does not mean that the follow-up visit should be missed .
24 The result [ of legal advice ] is that in many cases a detainee who would otherwise have answered proper questioning by the police will be advised to remain silent .
25 The second source of difference is that in many network studies ( not all ) men have been found to have stronger community ties than women .
26 The short answer is that in many countries the fact that there is a Constitution does make a difference .
27 The short explanation of this phenomenon is that in many countries a Constitution is thought of as an instrument by which government can be controlled .
28 But of greater importance for the social anthropologists themselves is that in many societies the distinction between biological kinship and sociological kinship is quite clearly recognized and the degree of their identification or dissociation is a matter of formal rules : " Copulation and marriage are not the same thing " or : " Copulation and marriage are the same thing " as the case may be .
29 Perhaps the most honest judicial statement in this area came from Lord Denning : The truth is that in many cases the legislature has left the point open …
30 So the implication is that in such instances animals also would be worse off .
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