Example sentences of "be to [det] of " in BNC.

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1 In practice the resolute supporter of Party A is not likely when he lists his preferences to be thinking primarily of any eventual cooperation between his party and Party B. His chief concern will be the success of as many as possible of Party A's candidates , and it will be to all of them that he gives his higher preferences .
2 There is no good reason why that traditional understanding should now be abandoned , however inconvenient it may be to some of those who would otherwise like to shelter under the umbrella of the term " democracy " .
3 If the only way to give the drama momentum is to allow through ( 1 ) an emergence of crude competition between the teacher and pupils or through the even cruder ‘ I 'm the baddy not to be trusted ’ approach of ( 4 ) , then she may have to abandon altogether her intention to open up ( 2 ) , the recognition by the townsfolk that here is an official who can not know and indeed who does not want to know what the cost of this decision will be to those of us who are faced with it .
4 I have been to many of those areas and seen the problems .
5 Local Management of Schools has been to many of our schools .
6 Duriez , who described himself as a pacifist , admitted that he had been to some of the raid locations .
7 If you 've been to any of the major house parties , you 'd know them by sight , if not by name .
8 ‘ Have you ever been to any of those raves ? ’ he asked one group .
9 He had not been to any of the social functions advertised — it would have seemed like living his life backwards to enter voluntarily a church hall full of women and cups of tea — he could see his mother at the urn and himself as a boy handing round those very cups .
10 So I have n't been to any of those coffee mornings I 've met a few people from it .
11 That great audience assembled to hear a speaker quite unknown in the political world and the enthusiasm created was an eye-opener to me , and would have been to most of the Westminster hacks with whom I had previously associated public influence . ’
12 She had been to most of the early-morning markets as far as Hyères .
13 We 've been to most of the lecture theatres .
14 N ) How many have not been to either of these places ?
15 We talked about the possibility of his death , we talked about the possibility of him being permanently brain damaged , we talked about the happiness they had enjoyed together and how important it had been to both of them to find each other .
16 It was really interesting to hear from a personal view , as well , actually , you know , I mean rainforests are to most of us just something we see on the television or we see pictures , it 's sort of a rather romantic idea , or a mythic idea , it 's lovely to talk to someone who 's got a much more overall view of the whole problem .
17 Transparent glass is no more a part of a bee 's mind set than mimicking orchids are to those of a wasp .
18 While a radical feminist like Millett can argue that ‘ male and female are really two cultures , and their life experiences are utterly different ’ , Marxist feminists would argue that the life experiences of middle-class women are much closer to those of middle-class men than they are to those of working-class women .
19 No it 's to much of a , I hate saying I 'll go out at eight o'clock and tell him to be home and at quarter too eight he has n't come and oh , I 'm to tired really , but , so I 've always played it that I will help when I when I can , but uhum , I do n't go on the committee , cos then your stuck , you 've got to go .
20 Yes there is to all of them .
21 The species of angler fish that lives in the Sargasso Sea is blotched and betasselled in a way that matches the floating sargassum weed so closely that the angler is virtually invisible to the eye of a human being , just as it is to that of a small fish , a shrimp or any other marine creature that might drift through the surface waters of that stagnant sea .
22 Take a look at your foot and marvel at how similar its shape is to that of your body :
23 In its overall approach to competition , EC policy is much closer in spirit to UK policy than it is to any of the alternatives discussed above , although there are some important differences of detail which we consider later .
24 When it comes to desserts , it is not as difficult to say no the those of Spain and Mexico as it is to those of some other countries .
25 But these studies have had their critics , and it is to some of the key criticisms of them that we now turn in chapter 7 .
26 Harry Lucas was to all of us who knew him a mentor , a tutor and avuncular friend .
27 Think it was to all of Over the Rainbow .
28 While this move is more favourable than supplementary benefit was to some of the unemployed , the new system discriminates heavily against the young , single unemployed .
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