Example sentences of "be to those [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If the only way to give the drama momentum is to allow through ( 1 ) an emergence of crude competition between the teacher and pupils or through the even cruder ‘ I 'm the baddy not to be trusted ’ approach of ( 4 ) , then she may have to abandon altogether her intention to open up ( 2 ) , the recognition by the townsfolk that here is an official who can not know and indeed who does not want to know what the cost of this decision will be to those of us who are faced with it .
2 Transparent glass is no more a part of a bee 's mind set than mimicking orchids are to those of a wasp .
3 While a radical feminist like Millett can argue that ‘ male and female are really two cultures , and their life experiences are utterly different ’ , Marxist feminists would argue that the life experiences of middle-class women are much closer to those of middle-class men than they are to those of working-class women .
4 All such sources of conflict are familiar to those in the public sector as much as they are to those in the private .
5 Our commitment in air-sea rescue is to those at risk .
6 When it comes to desserts , it is not as difficult to say no the those of Spain and Mexico as it is to those of some other countries .
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