Example sentences of "be a [noun sg] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Cos they 're a bit irritable at night .
2 Silver and gold are excellent conductors but they 're a bit expensive so I
3 So they 're a bit sticky .
4 And by that time you 're a bit tired and you think
5 ‘ They 're a bit stuffy , are n't they ? ’ he whispered .
6 Cos we 're a bit overworked and understaffed .
7 There 's a strong possibility of a shiny T-zone ( forehead , nose and chin ) on a warm day , especially if you 're a bit nervous .
8 Now they 've done such a good round we 're a bit nervous , but I think we 'll be OK provided the winds stay the same
9 ‘ We 're a bit disappointed , but we 're not sour on it . ’
10 Mm I think you 're a bit , think you 're a bit hot , that 's probably what 's wakening you up .
11 They 're a bit hesitant at the moment .
12 or anybody could do in that situation is having asked a question , they 're a bit hesitant about er , the next question then simply throw in there to buy yourself some time something like ee , is that all ?
13 Dublin seems to have a more philosophical approach to is turn , and , as John Hutchinson says , ‘ Here we 're a bit cynical , but its healthy cynicism , we do n't need to prove ourselves ’ .
14 Although the frogs can spot the difference between day and night , they 're a bit hazy on the whole idea of Time .
15 They 're a bit disgruntled the turbos are late into service .
16 You know the white stuff they have on them , I thought -Oh , you 're a bit dirty are n't you , so I started washing her .
17 Oh oh , you 're a bit sad .
18 which often looks quite nice so that even if what you 've found does n't quite match up with what they 've found you can say well look you know these theories , ideas are need enriching , they 're a bit inadequate as they stand because what happens when somebody tells you this , what happens when somebody says this erm you know we can , we can revise them in the following way
19 You 're a bit young .
20 ‘ You 're a bit young for getting sons , Gabriel , ’ she said , but at least she did not laugh .
21 now I mean you know , they 're a bit young .
22 Well I think you 're a bit young to enjoy it , at the moment but er Christopher is .
23 ‘ You 're a bit early , Mr Wickham , ’ said the barman who had a fine memory for faces from television screens and newspapers .
24 ‘ You 're a bit early , Rex . ’
25 Blimey , you 're a bit early today !
26 I mean we arrived at quarter past and she said , Oh you 're a bit early .
27 Area health authorities up here which we 're not looking for at the moment and er because the Government is hashing them around and we 're a bit uncertain in that area .
28 You erm you 're , you 're a bit uncertain and a bit nervous all the way through it but I think it was , it was basically because you
29 But you know what they 're like they 're a bit sloppy to cut .
30 So we 've left a bit of this out , we 're , we 're a bit sloppy in our notation , we should be saying let's put a sort of a ring round the whole thing , to show that 's the number positive two .
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