Example sentences of "be in some [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 You 're in some kind of spiritual trouble .
2 If you 're in some kind of jam with the law , I might not get paid .
3 So if I short er short circuit the rest of my cross examination on these various policies that you say er we 're in erm we 're in some measure of conflict with , your answer would be in in relation to E N V Eleven and E N V Twelve which you also cite , do I put it fairly your answer would be this ?
4 of a well not exactly a disaster , but if ev if ever you 're in some sort of uncomfortable plight er stuck in a train or anything like that the way t to cope is to go off to sleep if you can
5 Perhaps it stems from a sensation that I am in some way making a prediction of awful catastrophe , and not just telling a story .
6 I will pass in silence over my feelings for you , for they can mean little to you at present ( though I am in some doubt as to when ‘ at present ’ is ) , though I assure you that what briefly flowered between us one morning is a blossom that will not perish , however many mornings remain .
7 I am in some pain . ’
8 ‘ I am in some pain . ’
9 ‘ Mr Beckenham , since I am in some sort indebted to you , I will , if you please , refrain from making you any answer , for I can not take it upon myself to do so without speaking to you in a manner which must sound both insolent and ungrateful ! ’
10 Has the LDDC , in spite of all the hype and political prominence , been in some sense a failure ?
11 Sentencing McPherson , the judge , Lord Cameron , said he accepted that McPherson had been in some part less responsible for the violence to Mr O'Donnell that evening , but added : ‘ Nevertheless you played a full part in luring him into the hands of those who were responsible for repeated acts of a bizarre and terrible character upon him . ’
12 This being must have been in some way necessary to humanity , it is inconceivable that this is not so , for surely there would have been evidence of at least one enduring civilisation that had neither ‘ god ’ nor temple .
13 The growth of the Theatre Collection has been in some way analogous to that of the proverbial snowball , for as its reputation has increased so too has the number of donations and bequests in the form of private collections , both large and small .
14 Brittany had long since been in some way subject to Normandy .
15 Among those who regarded Faustus as their spiritual master was Sidonius , whose brother had been in some way saved by the bishop .
16 An argument for the co-evolution of dispersers and their trees is that they , in contrast , avoid the seeds , though in the past such seeds may have been in some way indigestible , promoting the relationship of today .
17 Here , the appropriate leader of change had been in some doubt .
18 The future of the Cotswold line from Oxford to Worcester , has been in some doubt following a leaked BR report which revealed that it was to have no further investment , despite its pre-war signalling and rustic stations .
19 The tightly packed schiltrons might have been in some danger if the enemy 's Welsh archers had been used at once ; but Edward or his advisers thought they could settle things swiftly by an all-out cavalry charge .
20 If he had been in some sort of trance , ( lasting who knew how long ? ) that might account for the sudden appearance of Jos .
21 They seem to have been in some sort of vassal relationship with the Dzhungars until they broke away in the 1650s and 1660s .
22 Most of our advertisers have already been in some form of advertising before .
23 Probably , for we later read that ‘ want of opportunity has been in some respect a prejudice to my business ’ , and , ‘ the noble act of embalming has been entirely ruined by the undertakers ’ .
24 The dissidents who resigned from his ‘ cabinet ’ look ominously like a vanguard of the fundamentalist persuasion which has been in some abeyance since the defeat of Jim Sillars .
25 Yeah , yeah , but every case is different , you do n't , I mean she might of been in some car accident or something like that you see , might n't she ?
26 I argued that the representational theory of mind , with its assumption that thinking is the possession of determinate ‘ mental states ’ which are in some sense encodings ( pictorial , syntactic ) of actual or possible states of affairs , contributes to the difficulty of the mind-body problem .
27 The repeated confirmation of the correlation between the physical characteristics of the stimulus and the characteristics of the neural activity it triggers , and between the characteristics of the stimulus and that of the subjective sensation , has encouraged the belief that our sensations are in some sense to be understood in terms of a set of stimulation levels ( spiking frequencies ) in the appropriate sensory pathways .
28 Not only biologists : politicians , too , have sometimes liked to argue that political systems based upon competition are in some sense ‘ natural ’ , because competition is such an essential part of nature .
29 The sense of national community is not helped by exhortations to cheer for England in Test Matches and the implication that those who do not are in some sense not good British citizens , and yet this sort of crude and simplistic interpretation of the obligations of citizenship was heard from some politicians in 1990 .
30 Wordsworth returns again and again to his main problem , whether we are in some sense ‘ led ’ by spiritual agencies — notice that he is not sure , and carefully qualifies any dogmatic statements — or whether we are alone responsible for what we become .
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