Example sentences of "be of [noun] no " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 My biases are of course no more or less biases than those I am going to examine .
2 Policy statements , DES/HMI publications , or research findings , whilst they are a useful source of encouragement for use with doubting colleagues , are of course no guarantee of action on the part of their authors , but often provide a useful framework in which to operate .
3 The ultimate objectives of this strategy were of course no different from those of previous post-war governments .
4 They were of course no different from good maintained grammar schools and owed their survival after 10/65 only to the anomaly created in 1926 and perpetuated in 1944 .
5 Our ‘ witchcrazed ’ ancestors , as so many of the older school of historians are apt to paint them , were of course no more crazy and no more mystical than the Zande — nor were they any less rational .
6 There were of course no telephones available to call a doctor and someone usually had to run or ride to call him out .
7 There is of course no logical reason why things should be different this time , wrote Harsnet , why this too should not be an illusion , the illusion of imagining that I know not only what step to take first but also what step to take second and even what step to take third .
8 The administration itself is of course no monolith and does not act as a single bloc , pursuing its interests whatever they may be .
9 There is of course no reason why he should propose solutions to the questions he implies about the use of land and its ownership .
10 There is of course no reason why individual lenders should not make insurance compulsory for their clients : its cost would have to be revealed to the customer , and it would have to be added into the calculated APR .
11 There is of course no formal contradiction in combining austerity of devotion with ebullience of architectural and internal decoration , but the combination illustrates the contrasts which we find in almost every area of Anselm 's life .
12 Moral principle is of course no guarantee of practicality .
13 The behavioural repertoire of newborn infants is somewhat limited , and there is of course no question of their reporting on whether they are awake or asleep .
14 There is of course no reason why this should be the way in which library skills are taught , even in library periods ; but the use of resource-based learning as an important strategy in a school gives an excellent opportunity to build in the acquisition and practice of library research skills as part of a " natural situation " .
15 There is of course no reason why the patterns revealed in one pioneering study should be taken as definitive and exhaustive for all communities : it is an empirical matter to determine what kinds of pattern can be revealed in speech communities and hence to determine what the norms of particular speech communities may be .
16 This is of course no coincidence .
17 ‘ There is of course no question of retaining the services of this man .
18 There is of course no reason to expect the same person to be the median voter as policy changes ; the identity of the median voter may alter .
19 There is of course no need to be unduly alarmed at these discrepancies ; we should reflect that any normal language presents numerous instances where certain recalcitrant items refuse to fit into a generally acceptable pattern ( e.g. for no very obvious reason the " expected " adverbs difficultly and longly are not accepted in English and have to be replaced by the phrases with difficulty and for a long time . )
20 There is of course no single correct way ; everyone writes differently .
21 Boy was of course no virgin , but he had never spent a whole week with one man before .
22 When the Asquith government was formed there was of course no post for such a recent recruit to the front bench .
23 There was of course no sudden switch to solos and duets with continuo or other independent instrumental accompaniment , yet by the mid-century the old forms of madrigal , polyphonic chanson , and Lied were obsolescent .
24 There was of course no mystery .
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