Example sentences of "be [vb pp] [be] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 An alloy which was not available to the ancient Egyptians because the required technology had not been developed was brass ( oreichalcum or oreichalkos to the ancient writers ) , the alloy of copper with zinc .
2 But , in my personal experience in America , not so much Korea , certainly Japan , erm , the , the first question invariably that you 're asked is communication .
3 For these women , coming to terms with the fact that their own children may also have been abused was torture , Hickson says , and they were n't ready to take part in a self-help group .
4 Another context in which claims analogous to novation and assignment have been raised is State succession .
5 Combined with my relief that a resting-place had finally been found was satisfaction that I 'd had him with me for those first few hours and that he had not been whisked from his bed by complete strangers and reappeared , repackaged , at the crematorium a week later .
6 The only other chapter to be explained is Chapter 5 " Language and the fictional world " .
7 The final characteristic of the MPs that can be traced is religion , which shows as traditional a pattern as any .
8 The most significant element of TML 's work still to be completed is commissioning , which includes the design and installation of a complex and comprehensive software system for all data control and transmissions networks .
9 The earliest the centre is likely to be completed is Christmas 1996 — and it could be later , especially as nothing is likely to happen until there has been an archaeological dig .
10 The only subjects which appeared to be taught were massage , biology ( sex talks ) and chemistry — a lesson in which the teacher appeared to be teaching the children how to manufacture high explosives .
11 Among the alternative energies to be developed are wind power generators and steam-turbine plants fired by wood chips , the waste product of the country 's vast timber industry .
12 After Jericho the next city to be attacked is Ai , but here the Israelite troops are routed , and the people of God have a taste of the fear they have hitherto inspired in others .
13 The second aspect of documentation to be considered is program notes .
14 Because it may well be that that land would n't be considered being part of the conservation area .
15 Factors to be considered were money , pride , political ambition and Cuban public opinion .
16 First to be modified was car 208 in December 1946 , when it was fitted with silent-wheel bogies and VAMBAC control equipment .
17 First to be harvested was Torrent .
18 The first question to be addressed is presentation of what ?
19 And not to be forgotten was compere Schneider 's dabble into Jewish magic Paul Daniels it most certainly was n't .
20 That levying of money for or to the use of the Crowne by pretence of Prerogative without Grant of Parliament for longer time or in other manner , than the same is or shall be granted is illegall .
21 The main features which will need to be agreed are repayment method
22 Now it is easier as all that has to be shown is value for money and that the private sector is shouldering the risk of not being paid .
23 There is no satisfactory treatment for herpes simplex infections and the best that can be offered is medication to ease the symptoms and possibly cut short an attack , and advice on how to cope with the problems that recurrent herpes brings .
24 The danger to be avoided was inflation .
25 We only have a small concrete building used as a youth club and the only sport that can be played is table tennis . ’
26 The causing of the bank account to be reduced was appropriation , and the account was property .
27 The main varieties of trees to be found are pine ( Pinus pinaster ) and eucalyptus .
28 And you know what they say about every cloud having a silver lining — well could young Joey Beecham be United 's ray of hope ?
29 The main sectors to be supported are tourism , fishing and manufacturing ; between 1965 and 1974 , each of these was allocated about £5–6 million , while by contrast , only about £2 million was spent on agricultural projects ( Gilg 1976 ) .
30 Firstly , where the use to which the information is to be put is publication or sale of the information the courts will be less sympathetic to arguments that there can be no confidence .
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