Example sentences of "be [vb pp] [adv] [that] " in BNC.

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1 In the case of regulated agreements , the common law rule has been overturned so that s56(2) of CCA 1974 provides that antecedent negotiations shall be deemed to be conducted by the dealer , " in the capacity of agent of the creditor as well as in his actual capacity " .
2 Repayments are calculated so that the total amount paid at each instalment is constant , but the capital and interest proportions vary .
3 Now that the full complement of introns in the ancestral triose phosphate isomerase gene has been mapped , he has been able to show that they are placed so that amino acids near each other in the protein 's structure are encoded wherever possible by the same exon , bolstering the idea that the original form of the gene contained a full complement of introns and was produced by exon shuffling .
4 If the stimulation conditions are altered so that a red coloured area is presented , illuminated by red , green , and blue light , that area will look strongly red to the observer but the cell wo n't fire !
5 Returning to Fig. 6.2 for a moment , whenever the parameters are altered so that one of the solid lines ( representing homoclinic orbits to the origin ) is crossed , there will be a bifurcation similar to that described above .
6 Rates are altered so that the new price reflects the desired new rate of interest .
7 Women 's experiences are marginalised so that their unemployment is not considered a problem or worthy of comprehensive social policy responses .
8 Mrs Seale , long departed after her disgrace over losing Dinah years back , had been replaced by a dresser who was less vigilant , and the Chinese puzzle of the dressing-rooms had , in the days of the departed Mrs Asshe , been altered so that admirers could come and go .
9 It has already been pointed out that it was difficult for many part-time farmers to get time away from their jobs so adult training normally took place in the evenings and at weekends .
10 It has been pointed out that the only propositions of which this is true are ‘ analytic ’ propositions — those that contain not statements of fact but rules about language .
11 It has been pointed out that the legal protection of children 's welfare is not the same as the conferment of rights on children , since it presupposes that welfare agencies , judges and even parents would have the right to take decisions on the child 's behalf .
12 It has also been pointed out that the ancient quarter of the city around the eastern gate took , as its own symbol , a black lion on a white background .
13 In this connection , it has been pointed out that :
14 It has already been pointed out that family continuity , conjugal status , and marital affiliations can be determined by an informed examination of armorial achievements .
15 The text does , however , refer to a rescript , and it has been pointed out that oddities in the structure and language may be due to incorporating that .
16 It has been pointed out that the behaviour of zebras simply does not match with this picture of them standing very still in broken cover .
17 It has already been pointed out that requiring the fulfilment of identical requirements in all member states may be unnecessary , and that recognition of equivalent standards may be a better approach , in particular to the question of harmonising the rules on the conduct of various types of business activities in the member states .
18 It has been pointed out that the modern ostrich and the Cretaceous Struthiomimus lived in the same sort of exposed habitat , and thus evolved similar bipedal running gaits .
19 It has also been pointed out that dinosaur fossils have been found at quite high latitudes , hinting again at endothermy , since no reptile can survive in the cooler climates beyond the equatorial regions .
20 It has often been pointed out that even if he had written nothing before this stage he would still be regarded as an important poet .
21 It has been pointed out that incense was given to Jesus at his birth , and perfume poured over him to prepare him for his death .
22 It has often been pointed out that in less developed societies , old people were seen as the repository of wisdom needed for daily living as well as for spiritual guidance .
23 It has been pointed out that , far from reinforcing grammatically correct speech , adults typically respond to children 's utterances in terms of their perceived communicative value and the intentions which they seem to express .
24 It has been pointed out that you need to knit two straight rows after each transfer and , at first , glance , it may look as though you do n't knit the two rows after a plain arrow for this punchcard .
25 For example , it has been pointed out that one person can not be asked the same question twice , the second time he is not the same person because he has already been asked the question once .
26 For the period 1757–1822 it has been calculated that the aggregate drain was approximately £250 million , while it has been pointed out that for the period from the 1850s to the First World War surpluses from the Indian economy were crucial in allowing Britain to balance its deficits with Europe and the USA ( Bagchi , 1982 , pp. 81 , 88 ) .
27 Hence , it has been pointed out that there was no net increase in total real wealth between 1913 and 1951 , and in this context the world wars are cast as the harpies which devoured the accumulated efforts of previous generations .
28 It has already been pointed out that the 1975 glitch left a persistent increase of 0.05% in slowdown rate ; the available data between 1975 and 1989 show no indication of a decay in this increase .
29 The indemnity was described simply as a payment ‘ for making peace ’ , but it has been pointed out that the sum of £20,000 is close to the amount thought to have been extorted by the Scots from the northern counties of England over the years since Bannockburn , and the payment may have been seen as compensation for the destruction wrought in the north .
30 It has been pointed out that investors are primarily motivated to invest in a company 's shares on the basis of the company 's likely profitability ; not whether the management engage in insider dealing .
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