Example sentences of "be [det] that [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ There are some people , ’ Lydia had said , ‘ who , as it were , belong in my house , and there are some that I can tolerate .
2 But has anything else that has changed in those twenty-five years — or , for that matter , in the years since abolition — been such that it ought to influence the mind of a Member who is unable to convince himself that capital punishment deters ?
3 But had it not been that actual set of people — Sam Phillips , the band , Elvis and The Jordanaires — the chemistry might not have been such that it worked .
4 Its academic success had been such that it had become progressively less progressive , its original zeal swamped by the fee-paying prosperous solid Northern conservatism of parents and offspring : it had become a bastion of respectability , its one-time principles upheld by stray survivors like Doddridge , who appeared blithely not to notice that at election time the entire school , with one or two flamboyant exceptions , howled its enthusiasm for the Tory Party .
5 Graham 's devotion to his family has always been such that he drives home every night from Test matches in London rather than stay in the team hotel .
6 In order to show that a landlord is precluded from exercising his right to call for a rent review , the tenant must show that the lease or the rent review clause has been abrogated by mutual consent or that the landlord 's conduct has been such that he is estopped from exercising his right to a rent review ( Amherst v Walker ( James ) Goldsmith & Silversmith Ltd [ 1983 ] 2 All ER 1067 ) .
7 The evolution of integrated circuit technology has been such that you 've been progressively able to put more and more transistors down on a single integrated circuit , and so a microprocessor has got more and more powerful with the passage of time .
8 Nor is it much use to put them in a pocket , for the rigours of the downward journey are such that they arrive at ground level in the form of an omelette .
9 If the potential business is valuable enough , or of the deficiencies are such that they can be convinced that improvement will improve their trading prospects as a whole , then there is great scope for negotiation to seek changes that will satisfy requirements .
10 Condition : ‘ Wastes shall be initially blended before incineration and the plant operated in such a manner as to ensure that the flue gases discharged to the atmosphere are such that they do not give rise to an environmental hazard or danger to public health ’ .
11 Even then the bulk and mouth size of the cichlid are such that they are unlikely to any damage unless the intruder refuses to take the hint and leave .
12 Their prices are such that they are beyond the means of most first-time buyers .
13 In October 1875 , their medical officer drew the attention of the Board , after many previous attempts , to meet the need for a separate building , or wards , to receive alleged lunatics who were not susceptible of curative treatment ( sic ) in an asylum , but ‘ whose habits and conduct are such that they can not be associated with the other inmates without injury to the latter ’ .
14 It would appear , however , that the needs of some statemented children are such that they continue to require special provision in special schools .
15 However , the complications involved in setting up micro-linked experiments are such that they should only be used when the educational profit is clear .
16 Only those theories that are such that they can be clearly assessed in terms of the universal criterion and which survive the test are scientific .
17 Chapter 1 noted that competitive conditions in many product markets are such that they are likely to be tolerant of managerial ineffectiveness and in some substantial deviations from the profit goal will not be incompatible with enterprise survival .
18 As with doctors , there are always nurses whose personal strengths are such that they can openly and lovingly respond to a patient 's pain , grief and distress without needing defences .
19 The practical consequences of time limits which are not of the essence of the contract are such that they are virtually meaningless .
20 How are we going to prepare ourselves for that competitive market er if our interest rates are such that they 're starving industry of it 's investment and pushing business after business into liquidation and throwing people out of jobs ?
21 [ However ] , the prospects for the short term are such that we will continue to need the economic support [ of the community ] .
22 In contrast , the more experiences and activities are such that we find it hard to make sense of them existing or occurring in isolation , the more difficult it will be , on Moore 's principles , to find anything of real inherent value in them .
23 but even so we would like to think that erm that we can do the design work surely for the original tender figures , er and hope that our erm our drawings and er specifications are such that erm , and our site investigations are such that we should n't have major claims appearing on on our jobs .
24 In Compact the future entails a fundamental undermining of the reader 's need to believe in fictional events … . the detail and intensity are such that we do believe that what is predicted not only will occur but is occurring/has occurred , while at the same time not occurring , abolished , a mere fiction of words .
25 As with all the stages so far discussed , during the process of learning to fly aerobatics the model will be put into many very unfamiliar positions and attitudes , so it is essential that your flying capabilities are such that you are not still finding yourself in a position where you are disorientated .
26 Considerable ambiguity arises when the appearances of the incident are such that it is uncertain whether or not it fits one of these types of abnormal situation .
27 In other words the limits on the knowing subject 's cognition are such that it has to be mediated in a social and discursive context for anything like truth to be achieved :
28 In an article written in support of the ordination of women to the priesthood in the Episcopal Church in the United States , Richard Norris , whose scholarship I have just mentioned , argues that the tenets of patristic Christology are such that it can not be said that a baptized woman is differently related than is a man to Jesus as the Christ .
29 However , the optical properties of a simple calcite lens in contact with water are such that it transmits light in a diffused way and can not bring it to a sharply focused point .
30 Although this is designed for individual use , its flexibility and generality are such that it is seen as worth describing here .
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