Example sentences of "be [det] [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It would have been much more fun , do n't you think , if they 'd dressed as housewives .
2 She said : " I felt at an earlier stage there were enough moderate Africans who could have taken their place alongside whites in government and there would have been much more evolution towards African leadership than the revolution that came about in the end .
3 Geoffrey Miller , an independent estate agent in Tavistock , Devon , confirms this trend : ‘ There has certainly been much more activity in the market in recent months , particularly cash buyers looking for bargains . ’
4 If at any stage in the discussions on Monday , or in all the other discussions that I have attended in the past two years , it had been a question of majority vote , there would have been much less agreement , and to the extent that decisions had been imposed by a majority , they would have been much less effective .
5 They 're all that sort of are they .
6 Well they 're all half price virtually are n't they ?
7 I mean they 're all , they 're all this walkman , not , but , .
8 I 'll leave you to sort out you 're own own way of doing this .
9 Now there are fewer each year as they suffer from dwindling finances and members .
10 In the city centre however , St Anne 's , Radford and Sneinton are all former slum areas which are consistent with Burgess ' low class residential zone .
11 The six case studies included in this book are all that space would allow .
12 Bowden said , ‘ Starved and disaffected troops like these are all that stand between our advance and the Caspian Sea . ’
13 It proclaims that this is God 's world and that his values are all that matter .
14 Good songs are all that matter anyway . ’
15 The rest of the world is excluded : these two are all that matter .
16 But the sad truth is that words are all that Labour has while the Tories rule .
17 Yet Ormrod J. follows his own logic to conclude that April Ashley , in purely biological terms , is not a woman ; yet biological terms are all that count , because there has to be someone who can perform the essential role of a woman ( remember , the essential role is to be a woman , since marriage is the relationship between a man and a woman ) : therefore , for marriage purposes , April Ashley by law is a man , and there is no marriage.45 No way out of this particular self-made legal thicket is provided , unfortunately , by an amendment to the Nullity of Marriages Act , passed into law as section l(c) .
18 but there are all these kind of variations to build into this problem , I mean I do n't know we could , I feel we could almost talk , talk around this for , for hours
19 Erm there was I am sorry to be boring but there are all these action points from the previous meeting Oh yes I forgot the action points do you feel we have covered them .
20 So I think there are , there are all those kind of bits which are there in terms of the understanding of , of where policy was and where it was going .
21 Other similar neurons respond preferentially to horizontal rather than vertical bars , and there are many such ganglion cells to be found in the part of the retina in the rabbit called the visual streak , which normally receives the image of the region of the visual field lying close to the horizon .
22 Nowadays , there are many such service companies to choose from but it is essential that you s elect a company that is a member of the British Wood Preserving Association ( B.W.P.A. ) and British Chemical Dampcourse Association ( B.C.D.A. ) .
23 There are many more support staff in the British National Health Service than there are people caring for patients .
24 There are many more DOS packages than Windows ones , not to mention all the shareware .
25 The new recruits — and there are many this season — handled themselves with distinction in such difficult surroundings .
26 She would be now , as she had been all that day , out praying for his soul .
27 well after he 's been all this while .
28 Frankly , I do not believe that there should have been all this talk about a little bit of majority voting on foreign policy .
29 If it 's true and he is alive where has he been all this time ?
30 Having been all this time contented about his welfare , now that her leaving was fixed and certain , she had begun to have misgivings .
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