Example sentences of "be [det] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I am that heroic surgeon !
2 The set of favoured firms is likely to be composed mainly of research-intensive firms or firms with enormous manufacturing expertise , and the odds are that such firms may have discovered the information for themselves through their own R&D before it spills over to them from rivals .
3 The advantages in the use of cylinder-type batteries are that such batteries have no snap terminal to splay or fold under , and they have more stamina when used as a group than an equivalent voltage single PP3 .
4 The implications of the very sharp fall-off with increasing distance from Kent are that such items were controlled at particular centres which maintained a near monopoly over their supply .
5 The reasons for this flexibility are that little party capital is made out of these alterations and since the Treasury fears forestalling , it is held that there c ; in be no prior negotiations about tax changes with outside interests .
6 Further factors in any attempt to second-guess the result are that last time round the UDF won this portfolio and that François Léotard , the incumbent at that time , is now aiming higher in ministerial rank .
7 The traditional attitude of government has been that official information should remain secret unless the government chooses to make it available .
8 A shiver ran through Theda 's body — the frame that was near a shadow of itself , just as it had been that long-gone day in March .
9 Lord Carrington 's view has been that premature recognition would be a mistake , and Mr. Cyrus Vance — the Secretary-General 's representative — has made the same point .
10 The result has been that recent chancellors have been able to give free rein to their tax-reforming ambitions .
11 The conventional view has been that political strife was so intense between 1689 and 1715 because party divisions cut deep into society ; all elements of the population , from the gentry , through to the merchants , professionals , artisanal and trading classes , the small farmers , right down to the " mob " , were caught up in the rage of party .
12 The request may well have been refused had it not been that western doctors were keen to learn Chinese methods of ‘ variolation ’ ( inoculation with smallpox virus ) and , no doubt , Erskine would advise the Czar to send a doctor to Peking for that purpose .
13 The general impression has been that major capital schemes not requiring Treasury approval have been poorly appraised .
14 The result has been that major reforms are completely avoided and every minor reform is weakened or sabotaged .
15 Dutch experience has been that close cooperation is needed between planners and all of these groups as well as others such as the police , mandating a cautious , incremental , flexible and thus costly style of planning .
16 The rule has been that young people intending to study medicine must forsake the humanities and social sciences for physics , chemistry and biology .
17 Over recent years the most popular explanation of Britain 's comparatively weak economic performance — and one which focuses mainly on the period of rapid decline since 1960 — has been that insufficient resources have been devoted to those parts of the economy which produce a ‘ marketable output ’ [ Bacon and Eltis , 1974 ; Eltis , 1979 ] .
18 But had it not been that actual set of people — Sam Phillips , the band , Elvis and The Jordanaires — the chemistry might not have been such that it worked .
19 If only it had been that nice John Smith , with his twinkling accountant 's eyes and trust-me smile .
20 In addition , there are for example licensing functions performed by the executive in respect of which the traditional view has been that procedural safeguards do not apply .
21 In fact it might well have been that such developments generally attracted more labour than could be fully employed , which departed once the enterprise was terminated , leaving behind a sleepy farming community not unlike the fifteen undeveloped villages of Babergh hundred ( Table 2.18 ) .
22 Another difficulty has been that such councils are attuned to providing finance for the creation of specific works , while the need for support in popular music is not at the point of creation , but for help in reaching audiences .
23 The truth shall set you free , but oh , the truth of her past had not done that — it had simply shown her what a selfish , unthinking thing she had been that first Terry Rourke , and then Havvie Blaine could have exploited her so .
24 It had been that first visit to the police station , when the Prince had dangled money in front of the local chief .
25 And now Dennis Gray has weighed in with a second version of his ‘ Life as a Climbing Tyke ’ — the first having been that marvellous tale of human bondage from 20 year ago , Rope Boy , or ‘ How I survived an apprenticeship with Joe Brown and started to love climbing ’ .
26 And there had been that other message … she had rung Cartier to speak to someone called Michael Watney , only to be told that there was no-one called Michael Watney working there , and did she mean Michael Courteny , and if so , would she hold on ?
27 This could have been that one chance ’ .
28 Always , in the background , in the dim recesses of her mind , there had been that niggling doubt .
29 The immediate reason seems to have been that Indian painters working for some of the Spanish and criollo masters complained of mistreatment .
30 A long-held belief has been that decorated cremation pottery , at least , was a product of specialist workshops which traded their wares ( Myres 1969 ) .
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