Example sentences of "be [vb pp] to my " in BNC.

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1 This was made very clear to me early in my fieldwork when I offended a neighbour by trying to make explicit return of food that had been given to my wife and me .
2 He said : ‘ The matter has been referred to my insurers who will contact the company 's previous insurers . ’
3 I am committed to my partner .
4 The fireplace , of typical Victorian cast-iron , was in the centre of the left hand wall whilst on the mantlepiece was a marble clock that had been presented to my mother and father when they married in 1904 , this had a large china dog on each side .
5 From this community they have spread out and have now become a part of LE for adolescents and children of all races , though perhaps ( no research has been done to my knowledge ) only in areas where there is significant contact between the black and white communities .
6 I 've also got more copies of the reading list which I 've forgotten to bring with me but which I have got er upstairs and they 're pinned to my door , if anybody needs another reading list , okay ?
7 But Mr Smith 's and Mr Jones 's attention had now been drawn to my father and no doubt rather bored with what the view outside had to offer , they proceeded to amuse themselves by shouting out unflattering remarks concerning my father 's ‘ mistake ’ .
8 Although I realise that he can not know of a particular incident that has been drawn to my attention today , is he aware that information has been sent to deceased claimants , thus causing a great deal of distress to the families concerned ?
9 This is something which has been drawn to my attention on many occasions and would she not agree that there are many of us who very much regret the fact that so many parents er are find it difficult to exercise their right to vote , because there is so much opposition er at a local level from officials
10 The third set of attitudes relate to those who are known to my Asian colleagues as the ‘ muesli missionaries ’ ( as in ‘ Miranda had an unhappy love affair/acne/a need to save the world , so she has gone to work with the ethnic minorities ’ . )
11 ‘ To discuss the will of your sister , the late Miss Faith Margaret Lavender , which has today been brought to my attention . ’
12 Recently in the Department there has been an instance of a telephone order which has been brought to my attention by the County Council auditors .
13 ‘ Be that as it may , ’ he persisted , ‘ it 's been brought to my notice that you 've expressed somewhat vividly your dislike of a certain member of the Company . ’
14 It has been brought to my attention that that money , which patients regard as pocket money , is sometimes taken from them by private residential homes to be used as payment .
15 Erm , Mr Chairman , it 's been brought to my attention , in actual fact , the drawings are n't correct .
16 Er it has been brought to my attention that the R S P B erm which I think you all know that , for one reason or another , can call upon the membership of eight hundred and seventy thousand individuals and our sport was something between two point five to three million active participants , slightly depending on the definition , has only about two percent as personal members of the R Y A contributing directly .
17 It 's been brought to my attention on a number of occasions by reputable bodies such as the stock exchange , that because of the multiplicity of regulations , er because of the complex nature of the legislation concerned and the er er the the comparatively large number of regulatory or supervisory bodies er that there is no er an and because of the fact that there are so many differences and standards and so on , that there is a need for a central enforcement body to bring together whatever evidence is available er so that these matters can be prosecuted , if I use that that general term .
18 First of all , this feedback , on what you were doing before coffee , and secondly talk about some of those markers and the speakers that been brought to my attention talked about with the other group , but not you .
19 Mrs Rose Quinton now pulled out two stools from under the table and indicated that both Millie and Ben should be seated , and when they were , she stood before them looking slightly helpless but smiling now as she said , ‘ You have , unfortunately , already been introduced to my family ; at least , all except the baby .
20 ‘ I wish one hundred to be given to my freedman Pamphilus , in addition to what I have left him in codicils .
21 Then I thought it might be an in-body experience — that my soul was to be confined to my body for some sinister theological reason. ,
22 We 'll pick it up after lunch and it can be transferred to my office safe . ’
23 Try and do the sums as it were and think it through , and if you do that , I think you 'll see that er , it does work out this way And of course , it gets er , even worse if you consider questions like relatedness through parents , because clearly I may be related to my mother 's sister 's children , my cousins , er no it 's actually nieces , because my mother and her sister share genes , but I 'm not er necessarily related erm in the same way , erm , through er , my father 's er relatives , for example , because although erm , because my er , my , my relationship between mother 's kin and my father 's kin is purely through marriage , so they have no joint genetic relatedness .
24 As I write this article , film of starving children in Somalia is the most recent image of childhood to be presented to my eyes .
25 And do n't you think it was flattering , in a way , to be preferred to my mother ?
26 I know this because these machines have a high curiosity factor with guitarists , and although I 'm used to my GR-50 , many players who have been eager to try it have fallen foul of mis-tracking .
27 When I reached 24 I no longer wished to be tied to my little and limited taste .
28 Bit of a shock after all this time , to be summoned to my line manager 's office .
29 Nothing would be more disastrous for the future of British Airways than for it to be summoned to my right hon. Friend 's office and told how to run its affairs .
30 ‘ I 'm bound to my partnership , ’ she told him quietly , inwardly struggling for every word of explanation but not even sure what she was trying to explain .
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