Example sentences of "be [vb pp] as [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Yet more instructions are given as to how the people should live , how they should avoid oppression , and show true compassion for the poor and the vulnerable .
2 Sixty-one are listed as among the top 200 richest people in Britain .
3 Due to increased fiscal control by central government , local authorities are limited as to the volume and quality of any discretionary services they wish to provide .
4 No convincing answer has been given as to why picnickers only pay £2 .
5 All Aitken 's evidence — uncontradicted by any other evidence — confirms that well before Curtis Brown received the £500 , instructions had been given as to the charitable destination of the money .
6 Representationally these are arranged as in Figure 1 .
7 There was no reason at all why these councils should have been regarded as above criticism , but in the context of that period when local government was under renewed attack from Thatcherism , the publication of sectarian , ill-researched articles in the magazine that likes to see itself as a broad-based forum of progressive ideas , was nothing less than destructive .
8 Like other party leaders before and since , Ramsay MacDonald had been regarded as on the Left before his election , particularly because of his opposition to the war and his domination of the Independent Labour Party after Keir Hardie 's death in 1915 .
9 Walker , who apart from the Prime Minister herself ( Margaret Thatcher ) and Sir Geoffrey Howe was the only remaining member of the Conservative Cabinet formed in 1979 ( and who had also been a member of Edward Heath 's Cabinet in 1970-74 ) , had for a considerable time been regarded as in many ways out of sympathy with certain aspects of Thatcher 's political philosophy .
10 By the time the enquiry and analysis stage is concluded , relatively clear views are formed as to where best practice exists .
11 Even in the second half of this century almost twice as much energy will have been consumed as in the preceding 1950 years ( see table 5.17 ) .
12 The UK gives the least subsidies of any major marine manufacturing country and only warship yards are regarded as of strategic significance .
13 Parental support and co-operation are regarded as of paramount importance and to facilitate this the school is open until 9 p.m. on one evening each week during term , when parents meet heads of departments and/or class teachers according to a system of appointments .
14 Share salesmen are regarded as on a level with hard sell futures salesmen .
15 Since for each item there is a 50 per cent chance of a correct response simply by guessing , children with scores of 8 or less on any set are regarded as in need of retesting , while very low scores ( 0–1 ) indicate that the child is systematically misunderstanding the meanings to be derived from word order .
16 In the simplest electrostatic picture of a complex such as , for instance , the lone pairs of the oxygen atoms in the water molecules are regarded as in pure ligand orbitals and the eight d electrons of the nickel are held in pure d orbitals .
17 EC officials said that the areas , which are regarded as among those most in need of aid , had been omitted because they fell outside the administrative boundary of the Highland and Island region .
18 The Congress ( I ) claim to form a government headed by V. Vaithilingam was accepted by the Lieutenant-Governor , Har Swarup Singh , on June 22 but a government had not been formed as of early July .
19 It alone can propose candidate referents ; other knowledge sources are consulted as to the appropriateness of those referents , and the first proposed candidate to be judged appropriate is accepted .
20 Whatever its origin , AIDS is scary : 1051 cases have been reported as of February 1983 , and it would seem that as yet no one has recovered fully ; from AIDS the current mortality rate is 40 per cent .
21 John Szarkowski , recently retired as the director of photography at the Museum of Modern Art in New York , has been reported as considering Lee Friedlander the best photographer living .
22 Certain constitutional restrictions remained in force until March 22 , but the curfew had been lifted as of March 6 .
23 Overall , the figures of population movement are summarized as in Table 5.1
24 For one thing , the poet thus extolled has been presented as above all poetically ‘ a democrat ’ .
25 From the fairly casual manner of Nicholls ' wording and his failure to mention what he had recommended , we may take it that , at least so far as he was concerned , the problem of the status of emigres holding non-Soviet passports had not at this stage been presented as of overwhelming importance or urgency .
26 The clergy are seen as above criticism in their religious statements , and such criticism can cause considerable distress to many people .
27 The weakening of party and the creation of a strong committee system are seen as of especial importance in this regard .
28 It is a fundamental principle of Catholic Education that all pupils are seen as of value in themselves , being created ‘ in the image of God ’ ( Gen 1 : 27 ) and raised to the dignity of ‘ children of God ’ ( Romans 8 : 15 ) .
29 If we are not very careful black and white children in schools are seen as in need of a different education simply because of the culture they are expected to belong to .
30 Under this interpretation , actions which originate from ‘ inside ’ the self are those which are seen as in accordance with conscious desires or intentions , and those which originate from ‘ outside ’ the self are those which one would not do if one were not coerced .
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