Example sentences of "be [vb pp] that what " in BNC.

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1 In these two examples , we are reminded that what cloze is measuring is the predictability , or more accurately , the redundancy within a passage , and this may or may not be closely related to its comprehensibility .
2 It has been said that what made John F Kennedy great was that he was the right man in the right place at the right time .
3 Teachers are told that what they do is vitally important , that they alone can translate and extend the National Curriculum into rich comprehensive learning opportunities and at the same time that they can not be trusted to do the job .
4 We are told that what matters is not whether a certain even happened , but what it means .
5 It seems sometimes to be supposed that what is commendable about a communicative approach to language teaching is that it does not , as a structural approach does , have to get learners to puzzle their heads with grammar .
6 It should be added that what the author lacks in scholarly rigour ( there are no footnotes and the index is skeletal ) he makes up for in discursive readability and enthusiasm .
7 It will be objected that what I am suggesting will be the death of ‘ standards ’ in schools , and especially in the sixth form .
8 But there is a more convincing case to be made that what it really relates to is the differing opportunities for men and women in the labour market .
9 It must be accepted that what we are collecting is people 's answers to questions , which is not necessarily a true picture of their activities .
10 So it can be seen that what was originally a technical question of the definition of tolerable rates of soil loss is a crucial , and deeply ideological one , and therefore not amenable to the cut-and-dried standards of proof on empirical grounds .
11 It might be said that what Wittgenstein says about the criteria of someone having understood a colour-word provides a reason for answering the question affirmatively .
12 Even though it may be said that what is taken on in the incarnation is a humanity in which we all share , it is still the case that the form in which this universal nature is said to have been taken on is that of a male human being .
13 It may simply be said that what is needed for two events to be cause and effect as we understand them is that the probability of the second , given the first , is higher than the probability of the second , given the absence of the first .
14 We might agree that coercion ‘ in any evil sense ’ is not involved in the practice of satyāgraha , and it could be argued that what the phrase implies is that no abandonment of the principle of non-violence is involved .
15 Of course , it could be argued that what I have called secondary danger clues correspond to the facts about child abuse discovered by a number of studies within the disease model .
16 Because although it could be argued that what an utterance means is readily recoverable by anyone who can read printed English , it is important to understand that what the speaker wishes to express is more often than not defined by the factors which get lost in the process of transcription .
17 For many it may be thought that what the market gives you is both fair and rightly yours .
18 We may be told that what we understand of an event e , if it is taken as an effect , is that there existed a certain set of conditions — say sc — such that since it existed , e occurred , and e would still have occurred so long as " the usual background " or " the usual environment " obtained .
19 Not only will the ranks of its future membership suffer , but the impression will be conveyed that what is done in church is For Adults Only .
20 When Laura complained at breaktime that Peter had done the same again , pushing her towards the broken tiles which had recently been blown off the junior hall roof , Janice felt that Peter needed to be shown that what he had done was dangerous and unacceptable .
21 Can it be demonstrated that what at first sight appears to be a paradigm case of indigenous , national forces dispossessing transnational corporations , is in fact a clear illustration of the emergence of the transnational capitalist class in Nigeria ?
22 It should be noted that what I have called a two-stage golden thread approach implies that human beings have some kind of control over what they will say is right .
23 It should be noted that what we are said to share with them is their vision : there is one continuing struggle against patriarchy .
24 It must be remembered that what is described is , almost without exception , the church as it existed at the time of writing .
25 In the discussion which follows it will be assumed that what is being referred to is a receiver appointed out of court .
26 It should be emphasised that what is meant here is not just " contextually " dispensable but " universally " dispensable .
27 It may be suggested that what the Child Poverty Action Group expected , and wanted , was a new Labour government returned to power , chastened by criticism of its family policies , and not a Conservative government .
28 Much as I sympathise with the plaintiffs , it would , in my opinion , be extending the implications based on the maxim … to an unreasonable extent if it were held that what has been done in this case was a breach of an implied obligation .
29 So , under men like Halsbury , they reacted to the legislation of the later nineteenth century with all the inflexibility of those who are determined that what was good enough for their fathers ' social and economic structures was good enough for them .
30 Consequently , it is recognized that what is offered can only be a highly personal and limited selection of developments in disciplines other than financial management , with a few isolated ideas on linkages between them .
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