Example sentences of "be [vb pp] for [pron] " in BNC.

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1 These are calculated for our sample of 1608 men who were unemployed longer than 28 days and did not give retirement as their reason for their pre-cohort entry job .
2 THE parents of murdered British safari girl Julie Ward , left , have been honoured for their campaign to bring her killers to justice .
3 A NUMBER of North West names have been honoured for their services to the community or their profession .
4 TWO North-East heroes have been honoured for their outstanding courage .
5 Henley rower , Steve Redgrave has been honoured for his outstanding achievement in the sport .
6 He says because my father died early in 1937 he 's never been honoured for his work .
7 As long as a strong argument or sound reasons are given for your opinions they will stand on their own .
8 At first I thought this must have been intended for someone else and began grubbing about in the wastepaper basket to find the envelope .
9 Yet with its residual gentility , its variegated forest of a garden where we had practical botany lessons , and the original Victorian mansion building with its labyrinth of poky rooms and winding staircases , it must have seemed that the convent was an accidental inheritance , never really meant for us , and thereby reminding us that we had come into our own ; we had by right something more than had once been intended for us .
10 The office appointment had been intended for his elder brother Jonas , who appeared to possess the mind of a future attorney .
11 Most people who have testicular cancer and who are treated for it and cured go on to lead perfectly active normal lives as far as having children is concerned .
12 When Byrd 's songs have finally been recognized for what they are , there will at last be a recording of ‘ O dear life , when may be it be , sung to its complete text all eight stanzas of Sir Philip Sidney 's agonizingly erotic poem by five brave and talented singers who know exactly what they are doing .
13 When the losses are recognized for what they are then the healing of the pain can begin , but so often the loss is so deeply buried in people 's minds that it can take a long while for it to come to the surface again .
14 It also emphasizes the importance of readings in which fictional texts are recognized for what they are rather than being treated as truth claims or pronouncements about the world .
15 His clothes , some of them old things of Theo 's which had been altered for him , were shabby , and were getting spattered with paint .
16 The theory of the new international division of labour has been criticized for its uncompromising condemnation of TNC operations in the Third World , on the grounds that there is not very much that is new about it and that it relies on an empirical base that is far too limited ( see , for example , Cohen , 1987 , ch.7 ; Jenkins , 1984 ; Gordon , 1988 ) .
17 As before , the problems of interpreting outcomes outweigh the difficulties of assessment and some of the criteria used in research have been criticized for their cultural and class bias .
18 This shortcoming can be explained in part by the alleged deficiencies of the respective approaches ( social administrators have been criticized for their less than rigorous historical investigations ( Thane , 1992 ) whilst historians have been taken to task for their reluctance to engage in broad theoretical debate ) .
19 The SPD polled an average of 26.64 per cent ( 21.88 per cent in March 1990 ) , but apparently only made real inroads on CDU support in Brandenburg , with the respected East Berlin lay Protestant leader and lawyer Manfred Stolpe heading its campaign against the CDU 's Peter-Michael Diestel ( who had been criticized for his handling of the dissolution of the Stasi secret police — see p. 37828 ) .
20 The FNM attacked the size and cost of the new Cabinet and called for the resignation of Maynard and of Philip Bethel , who had been criticized for his stewardship of the Transport Ministry and the troubles of the state airline Bahamasair .
21 De Franco was appointed president of the Central Bank of Nicaragua replacing Raúl A. Lacayo Solórzano who had been criticized for his credit policies .
22 Meri had been criticized for his management of the Foreign Ministry , especially for having dismissed two deputies in February without consulting the Prime Minister .
23 The only minister who actually lost a vote of no confidence ( by 74 to 23 ) was Arnis Kalnins , who resigned as Minister of Economic Reform , having been criticized for his inability to conduct the restructuring of the economy along free market lines .
24 There s NO WAY they could do that , unless they are pressed for them .
25 The well-tested welfare organisation swung into gear , as the Welfare Officer once again climbed into her car to go and speak to the wife and assure her that temporary accommodation had been arranged for her and the family , and that the move from one house to another would be made as smooth as possible .
26 Maha was a lushly beautiful woman who had left the husband who had been arranged for her .
27 For twenty years all these details had been arranged for her .
28 And what has been arranged for me ? ,
29 I was surprised , therefore , to discover that quite a busy programme had been arranged for me .
30 A variety of holidays in locations at home and abroad including guided tours have been arranged for them annually for many years .
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