Example sentences of "be [vb pp] of [adj] " in BNC.

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1 And then comes the crucial claim : ‘ We are as tree born as men , have as free election , and as tree spirits ; we are compounded of like parts , and may with like liberty make benefit of our creations ’ ( sig .
2 In the early 1780s Viennese society had not yet been drained of financial resources by the long and debilitating war against the Turks , and every aristocrat of note supported some kind of musical establishment , offering a performer such as Mozart plenty of opportunity to give concerts and play at salons .
3 Similarly many parts of the coasts of Sussex and Hampshire are formed of soft Eocene , Oligocene and Pleistocene rocks , which are also readily eroded .
4 There are numerous shorter walks in the area , which has been designated of outstanding natural beauty , with its landscape of weald hills and wooded , rolling farmland .
5 Aldana , once one of Castro 's closest aides , had been stripped of overall responsibility for ideology , foreign policy and culture in September for his alleged involvement in a financial scandal [ see p. 39089 ] .
6 No monastic or holy order within the Christian tradition demands greater dedication and discipline , and the basic requirements of a satyāgrahi correspond to the vows of poverty , chastity and obedience , that are expected of certain Christian orders of monks and priests .
7 On Sept. 9 the dismissal had been reported of Armed Forces Chief of Staff Lt.-Col. Mahamat Garfa , following allegations by the Chadian League for Human Rights ( LDHT ) that soldiers had massacred 150 people at Doba in the south .
8 At Wharram Percy they had been rebuilt of perishable materials — wood , wattle , turf — in almost every generation , only later having substantial foundations .
9 Never has so much been expected of general medical practitioners and practice staff ; general practitioners are being pressed to do audit , participate in commissioning , become fundholders , do research , improve consumer responsiveness , and develop new skills in the transfer of services from secondary to primary care and development of community care .
10 Perhaps part of the problem is that far too much has been expected of positivist criminology or , alternatively , positivist criminologists have been responsible for fostering too grandiose expectations .
11 Although plainly crazy , the shamans are possessed of great power , for the spider venom that addles their mind also stimulates the part of their brain that controls magic .
12 Anyone who deals with Ottoman institutions will know how perilous is the task of trying to define terms , since a number are possessed of multiple significations , often changing over a period of time , and the particular sense intended in any given case is not always clear from the context : will serve as one example , another , and , in the learned profession , which has the limited sense of a student at the Sahn and the wider sense of any student in " higher " education , that is , at a 20-akce medrese or above .
13 The saddles are possessed of full three-way adjustment , so all that 's required for setting up is there .
14 Rostov was not sure what purpose his stateroom had served previously but it was obvious that it had been occupied by at least four persons , all of whom had been possessed of diverse tastes with regard to the minimal decoration which was permissible aboard a ship designed for deep space exploration .
15 Comparison stars are σ ( 4.9 ) , τ ( 5.1 ) and when a minimum occurs , K ( 6.0 ) ; τ has been suspected of slight variability .
16 Beta is a fine orange star of spectral type M , beautiful in binoculars ; it has been suspected of slight variability .
17 It is easy to find , because it is usually visible with the naked eye at about magnitude 5 , and is in the same binocular field with Beta ; to either side of it are Tau ( 5.1 ) and Sigma ( 4.9 ) , which act as good comparisons , though Tau is of type K and has been suspected of slight variability .
18 Either there has been a real fading , or ( more probably ) there has been an error in recording or interpretation , though it is true that Megrez has been suspected of slight variability in modern times .
19 The bare hills behind Agadir in the west are built of blue limestones so hard that they ring under the fossil-hunter 's hammer .
20 The single-storey houses have roofs of corrugated cardboard , and are built of hollow red bricks called tejole , which the people make themselves with crude machines .
21 The city 's building codes do not incorporate seismic resistance , and more than half of Manhattan 's buildings are built of unreinforced masonry .
22 They are built of red brick and are plain outside .
23 According to David Hume , the subject of the next chapter , Berkeley 's account of abstract ideas was ‘ one of the greatest and most valuable discoveries that has been made of late years in the republic of letters ’ .
24 Several lists have been made of useful hints .
25 That that that is a just criticism and it has been made of immunological treatment .
26 Although some studies have been made of rural railways , the majority have looked at road-based public transport ( Halsall and Turton , 1979 ) , since only the road provides the flexibility required in rural areas .
27 Rather , individual studies have been made of certain types in the reports on the excavation of cemeteries .
28 In many respects the management of GEAR has been ineffective : goals have been defined too broadly , simply to ensure consensus ; organizations have been assimilated within GEAR for purely cosmetic purposes ; power has been too diffuse ; and too much has been made of environmental improvements when the local economy has been subject to dramatic changes and unemployment has risen substantially .
29 Some comparative studies have already been made of environmental impact and safety although much more needs to be done .
30 Mention has been made of direct labour and of how such organisations have reduced the number of trainees by about 40 per cent .
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