Example sentences of "be [noun prp] [conj] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 It had not , as it turned out , been Jim that had made the happiness for her , but the house itself .
2 The only people whom seem to have failed to benefit from the revolution are Phil and Rose .
3 one thing and another and I said oh I do n't know , and there are Sunday and said look about taking Matthew , why do n't you let him go and I said well it 's a , it 's a long time , you know for
4 Now if it had been Viola that had died …
5 He thought it must be Creed and said , ‘ Yes , sir ? ’
6 As she grabbed for the handset , she guessed it must be Ursula and wondered if there was news of Samantha .
7 She thought it might as well be Betty and sat down by Finn , because then Betty , even if displeased at her laziness , could not fail to commend her courtesy .
8 so it might 've been Rob that went out with her , but I du n no .
9 No i I phoned insurance up and told them what they 'd said , cos I got Maggie to phone , it were Maggie that said , they told Maggie that they were gon na put a second hand wheel on and everything instead of a brand new one so she told insurance about it .
10 It were Gill that had the fire brigade up that night were n't it ?
11 So are Helsinki and Leningrad , and so is Manhattan that sparkled in the dust like a wet finger dipped into the caster sugar of electricity .
12 complained how he says I 've got one of his and I had n't got it , it 's Linda that had got it .
13 The magic word to look for is TIFF or Tagged Image File Format which is an industry standard for scanned images .
14 There are several proprietary file formats around that scanners can use to store information but the one that has gained industry-wide support is TIFF or Tagged Image File Format .
15 It seems that the engraver discovered his real first name is John and engraved J Maxwell Hutchinson on the foyer wall bearing the names of all past RIBA presidents .
16 But it was NME that embraced the intellectual nettle most firmly .
17 He 's become better known as a zoologist , but has n't forgotten it was Swindon that offered him his first exhibition .
18 She caught his attention , asked whether he was Edouard and lived at the address Cobalt had given her .
19 They are very pretty , but somewhat ludicrously sentimental ; that is , when one reflects that it was Rousseau that wrote them .
20 Seeing a youth of about 17 about to cycle away , Harry whispered that he was RAF and did he know anyone who could help .
21 In 1982 it was Mexico that kicked off the international ‘ debt crisis ’ by refusing to meet its interest payments .
22 She could scarcely breathe , let alone struggle , but when she heard the sound of someone in the undergrowth she knew it was Travis and tried to get out a warning .
23 But free choice does not exist within the control systems applied by the European Commission — and it was Brussels that had dictated the direction of its regulations .
24 And while it is easy enough for an experienced journalist to write that synopsis from memory ( checking for the elusive name of Software Arts and making sure that it really was PrairieTek that vanished last year ) , it would take a deal of research and above all deep thought to put together a dissertation on why things panned out the way they did , the fatal mistakes , the good decisions that each company made to achieve triumph or disaster , or both in quick succession .
25 As I remember , it was Pete that started it ,
26 It was Estella that started off his obsession with wanting more .
27 Well she I think it was Karen that did something for Children in Need last year and she sang on the air .
28 I 'm not sure , but I think it was Mr that had that bungalow built .
29 it was Mr that posed the question to me and I understood that it was his idea
30 Life was hectic and difficult , it was Sydney that had given the information about the mortuary and the duty rota .
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