Example sentences of "be [adv] i think " in BNC.

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1 Erm and er the colours for men by tradition are much I think they 're much subtler Hm .
2 Erm and these are the fairly brief er Chairman I think , I am sorry for disappointing Mr because because erm I main properties but erm we are basically I think sort of more or less agreed parties that we actually want this .
3 I ai n't told Lee yet though he 's been away I think
4 And it tends to be I 'm sad to have to say it , it tends to be a limited number of colleagues who are totally I think , removed from the mainstream of what the majority off us want to see , who are to prepared to withhold their voted in the House of Commons .
5 Also had further letter from Notts County Council about Nottinghamshire Minerals local plan , asking us again if we have any representations to make , I think it was decided at a previous meeting that we did not , erm Colin Williamson , production of development and planning at Newton and Sherwood District Council , it 's proposal to run seminars for Parish Councils on planning policies , law and procedures , and we would like to know erm whether erm we would be interested in attending , and how many people would wish , he he has earmarked temporarily twenty eighth of March , which is a Monday , as a possible date at town hall , so if er if you think that would be something that you would be erm interested in going to , the topics erm are really I think things that came up at the Parish Council 's conference , the questions about planning , about the rules , and the policies , and the procedures etcetera , the erm , and visitors were talking last thing for sixth of December for five minutes , and the discussion for half an hour to three quarters , commencing at half past seven , so er if anyone 's interested in attending that ?
6 Sir it dealing with drainage matters , I think there 's general agreement from Yorkshire Water that the preference is the new settlement should drain should should either g be within I think I I put it detailed figures in my in my statement .
7 It has to be outside I think .
8 You know , so erm he 'll be glad to be home I think .
9 That 's true , er it would be also I think irresponsible for my side to point at oil companies or this or that operator .
10 When you 've completed copying this which you should be now I think .
11 er , well I 've got to go erm last week and even er oh well if you 've got erm , they 're are well I think twenty might be all I need
12 You 've only been there I think a ba , a term have n't you ?
13 Cor I should n't of been there I think I should of been the next one along
14 She were like I thought , aye I wonder how you 'd get by if you did n't have a job .
15 When they were here I think .
16 probably do , that 's right I think probably
17 Er that 's basically I think a an approach which the County Counci er which the public at large has er has found acceptable .
18 But otherwise it 's basically I think it 's , it 's all there , all you 're trying to do at this stage is , is to give , your aim here is to get is to get firstly , first of all , to get it on the diary , on the picture editor 's diary for your picture , and also to get the basic information in so that somebody can write a few cards as an advance to say it is going to happen .
19 I doubt if that is so I think to some extent we may be in what we are saying and doing , feeding the current which says that nobody in national politics could conceivably be honest or decent or competent in any way whatsoever , that to be a Member of the House of Commons or to be a Member of the Government is somehow to have the mark of put upon them .
20 erm there 's no doubt that our society , whatever kind of sentimental things it says about the status of the housewife , gives the housewife extremely low status , and that power and status and respect in society are accorded to people who achieve things in the work world occupationally outside the home , and given that that is so I think women , to increase their self respect , have got to achieve things outside the home , yes .
21 So that 's enough I think
22 Erm there 's enough I think enough has been said on , school meals , it 's those , they 're only in , in the , both were identified with efficiency savings of er Joanne erm in school meals without I hope because in the content or the , the nutritional value of the basic meal .
23 My favourite drum sounds have always been The Glitter Band 's so I thought it was silly not to try and track them down .
24 Although there may be differences between er Professor Lock 's approach and Harrogate 's superficially I think the the mutual objective seems to be er between the two strategic site within the development plan in Harrogate district and on the access one site of the A one A fifty nine junction .
25 Okay erm this is just I think this is er what we call coincidence or just er unplanned or unpredicted er event or happening one maybe one evening maybe I thought it was Friday evening , one Friday evening December er Mrs was watching television it was erm but normally she did n't watch television at that time , but just coincidence ?
26 Er we ca n't tell them how to use the money , we presume they will do that , erm this is a significant increase on the amount that the Conservatives seem to be suggesting which is just I think deputy heads so there are a hundred and forty thousand er deputy heads to go .
27 It 's just I think , when there 's a couch and there 's white tissues over the couch it probably can look a little bit clinical .
28 I do n't know it 's just I think he 's trying to make me out as a bad mother
29 No , I think it 's just I think they plan well according er to John yesterday they planned it this way .
30 But nothing , I did n't do anything different really , it was n't anything exceptional really , it 's just I think people really want to er be treated properly and er and then get the service that they 're looking for , basically speaking that 's right .
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