Example sentences of "be [adv] just [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Is there any legislation or codes of practice covering circular letters of this kind , which are effectively just another form of advertising ? ’
2 Dickens has been very clever to intertwine all these aspects and ideas , and to make them all relate to each other , in the one central character , Pip , and the other central characters around Pip are basically just extra ingredients to make the plot work .
3 Tam Dalyell 's views on the Brandt Commission 's second report ( Forum , 7 April , p 40 ) are perhaps just another addition to the literature on the subject .
4 Our ideas of how these originated and fitted into the early Church hierarchy are only just developing , but already the pattern is becoming clearer .
5 You conduct most of the important interviews and interrogations yourself and afterwards you dictate very sketchy accounts which are only just adequate to keep the files up to date . ’
6 In species like " Ophiophthalmus " granifera Koehler , 1922 and O. cataleimmoida ( H. L. Clark , 1911 ) the proximal dorsal arm plates are only just contiguous .
7 Rather than still , you 're only just six .
8 And these stewardesses you know , they 're only just tall and ordinary you know well they they 'd got black tights , got black'uns on you know , all wore black'uns .
9 cos we 're only just finishing .
10 It 's an extraordianry co-incidence that we 're literally just two or three hundred yeards away from eachother !
11 ‘ You 're both just little boys ! ’
12 Mothers are flattered by the total dependency ; but men , if they are honest , are usually just bored , sex-starved and sleep-famished .
13 ‘ It is also important because wrecks in Scottish waters are usually just that — complete wrecks .
14 Its traces are still just visible amongst the wreckage of the modern urban motorway system .
15 The diversity of form and behaviour among the several thousand species of fish in the world is enormous , but there are probably just two , very different , examples of tool use among them .
16 However , both these irritating points disappeared once the buoyancy aid was soaked and are probably just due to the materials being new and stiff .
17 Spindles are often just screw-nailed to the handrail and bottom rail .
18 ‘ But they are really just normal , everyday folk who happen to have monster diets — every day is like a Christmas pig-out for them . ’
19 We need to be aware that ‘ rules ’ ( which are really just agreed-on conventions ) are changing all the time , particularly since the line between inner voices and outer voices has become blurred .
20 It is true that public relations contrives news and events and gets photographs in newspapers which are really just promotional efforts .
21 The ending reminds us that the boys are really just little boys who are childish , not the animals and cannibals we thought they were .
22 one team that is winning in 93 are the Milton Keynes Aces … they 're going for the Wheelchair Basketball championship … their latest win was over league leaders Oldham Owls … the Aces are now just one point off the top …
23 ‘ With a lot of will we could still be building ships there , ’ said 57-year-old Hughie , who has seen the Whitby shipbuilding industry decline so much that there are now just two people making traditional Yorkshire cobles .
25 Trophy holders Palace are now just three steps away from another trip to Wembley .
26 I 'm only just twenty .
27 I 'm only just glad we ca n't I du n no then son .
28 The total value of his DOUBLE PAYOUT , in this case , would be only just short of £83,000 !
29 I 've now been here just three months , but have seen the incredible work of our God who changes lives and situations we ourselves might consider hopeless and too difficult .
30 ‘ We do not have the chosen squad , and we are here just one day before the tournament , ’ he said .
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