Example sentences of "be [adv] that we " in BNC.

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1 And , as always , telling us where you are so that we can keep sending you our mailings and the next edition of The Birmingham Magazine .
2 As soon as I can I will tell you when this might be so that we can fix up a time .
3 It is very important that all of us learn what our individual specific response to stress may be so that we might learn to respond to this signal early on .
4 What we 're actually doing in terms of the product is we 're actually widening the franchise erm I do n't like to use words going up market that suggests that we 're leaving our core customers behind , we will we will add any product that is complimentary to our core kitchens but er we 'll still be the main stance of the product in these two stores for instance , we 're going to introduce a house wear department it is something that we 've been experimenting with before we 're going to erm use the opportunity to widen the franchise on appliances we 're going to erm use the an experiment on erm floorings to match work tops , those kind of developments just to test to see whether the customer reaction is as good as we hoped it would be so that we can then introduce it in the main chain
5 We have already seen that failure satisfactorily to surmount the Oedipus complex results in pre-Oedipal fixations , notably at the anal and oral stages , and it may be here that we can find the primitive , rudimentary superego elements which can , and indeed must , remain when the mature superego does not develop .
6 The objectives are surely that we do the Liberal Democrats some real good , both nationally and in this area , in the longer term as well as for next June .
7 We sought to find out what these were so that we could consider the points raised and respond to them .
8 Firstly , nobody , but nobody would want to levy charges until it was a last resort , but if the alternative to levying those charges were perhaps that we had to cut the staffing levels in those adult training centres , then you get a different answer to the question , and I had a meeting about four weeks ago with the heads of some of our centres who 've been asking parents and carers that question .
9 We are multiplication work and there is n't should be tackled and we were very that we can not do this without and therefore we accept the grant grant fifty thousand in these four counties planning service which I would say servicing .
10 The point is rather that we now have a strong data base from which to operate , and that the technical means are now available which would reveal precisely what our signals do mean ; perhaps to show that there are monsters , perhaps to find , at least beyond reasonable doubt , that their existence is too unlikely to warrant further study .
11 That is , our problem is not one of vicarious liability , of finding some reason why a shareholder should share some other person 's or group 's primary responsibility ; it is rather that we can find no one else who is primarily responsible and in whose responsibility he might share .
12 Similarly , C. S. Lewis 's The Allegory of Love is praised by Kathleen Tillotson for charting the nature and evolution of two " principles " , or fundamental movements of the human mind — romantic love and allegory : " It is rarely that we meet with a work of literary criticism of such manifest and general importance as this . "
13 Obviously it 's right that we should try and persuade the German government to delay matters as much as possible .
14 In our efforts to promote extensification of livestock production , it is right that we should question whether livestock production should be allowed unrestricted use of technology in order to produce maximum output from the minimum amount of land .
15 But Mr Bliss is right that we have to assume that the abductors are politically motivated terrorists — ‘ '
16 My hon. Friend is right that we have the most generous system in the developed world for supporting students .
17 It is right that we should consider tonight the question how we enhance the democracy , responsibility and accountability of the European institutions and of our own Ministers to the national Parliament .
18 ‘ It 's only that we 'd like to see you happy … ’
19 I think we have to be a little bit careful about this because , of course , erm the feeling is not that once they 've been in the job for a little while that they are still amateurs , it 's merely that we do n't require them to know a great deal about what they 're going to do before they start .
20 It 's basically that we feel the group has to be thrown into different circumstances if it 's going to be stimulated , if it 's going to change .
21 It is enough that we see these things and sit with her while she drinks manzanilla or brandy to wash the sight away ( though we are never told why she drinks ) — these things are enough to make us participate in what we surmise she must be feeling .
22 ‘ In the present circumstances it is enough that we help each other , neh ? ’
23 In fact , one of the reasons God is so concerned that we do not involve ourselves in premarital and extramarital relations is so that we will never feel we are competing against the skill and ability of another lover .
24 I suspect this is so that we ca n't talk back or properly assess their charges or claims .
25 The government budget constraint is so that we must have or .
26 And some of you some of you did that this morning although you may not have realised it er but you said well well like Rob said and er just just making people feel part of it by by using their names and that 's exactly the purpose of having these plaques in front and why I asked you to use erm to put your name on them is so that we can do that .
27 He can measure every clause of what the income is , against what the expenditure is so that we have some control to ensure that the church life grows and we do n't stumble .
28 ‘ It 's enough that we hiv Phillis , she never forgets a face . ’
29 A second reason is perhaps that we have not obtained many of the much-trumpeted benefits that we were promised from the original Common Market .
30 that 's so that we do n't have to mess about with it , it , it
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