Example sentences of "be [adv] [pers pn] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 When I count , there are only you and I together
2 Rokeya 's flat was so precisely as Lee remembered it that she felt as if no time had passed between the last time she had been inside it and the present day .
3 When Jarvis came to take over the house , although a good many people had been inside it and others had lived in it , the chair and the stool were still in the bellringer 's room .
4 However peculiarly Beethoven 's seemingly contradictory words may strike us now , the tempos are nevertheless his and are , again , anything but slow !
5 I mean not all of them are like it but
6 Well there used to be just me but then they 've employed another one and we were so fed up with being on nights that we said look , I 'm afraid we 've had enough of this , you know so she I said to her how about you allocate us each to a ward you see
7 She 'd have a fag with her coffee , and I 'd sit and watch the smoke making patterns in the air , and it 'd be quiet and it 'd be just her and me .
8 It would be just her and Roman at the breakfast-table .
9 Any exchange would be just you and me , pal .
10 He never said , she told herself , that it would be just you and him .
11 It 'll be just you and Timothy and mummy and grandma .
12 He asks me what I 'm doing and who I am , and I mumble that I 'm just me and that is that .
13 What seems to the individual to be a free and spontaneous response can be seen from " outside " to be the product of social and ideological conditioning , or even in some instances of a concerted campaign to mould public opinion in such a way as to produce exactly the response which each individual feels and believes to be authentically his or hers alone .
14 cos there were only you and Marion were n't there and we knew somebody else would be kicked out .
15 ‘ All I want to do is claim what is rightfully mine and ensure the wishes of my brother are carried out .
16 ‘ You are mistaken , there 's only me and young William here , look around if you do n't believe me . ‘
17 Carrie said , ‘ It 's only me and Nick ever go there . ’
18 ‘ There 's only me and my sister , ’ I said .
19 There 's only me and my brother and , compared to me , he 's absolutely loaded .
20 but there 's only me and us though more rabbit
21 No , it 's only me and Ange chatting about my kitchen .
22 I mean I as a company Cumbria Power Tools will always , you know , it will survive because there 's only me and this
23 There 's only me and you left at this table
24 There 's only us and a lady in here and she wo n't be coming
25 " There 's only you and me . "
26 When we there 's only you and Shirley here I 'll have another go cos you wo n't laugh !
27 Out of the original , there 's only you and Jonesy .
28 No that 's , that 's , that 's basically it and the other points that you 've covered of course .
29 In the army you know what 's what , who 's above you and below you , so to speak , and that status is authority-based .
30 it 's just her and me .
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