Example sentences of "be [adv] [det] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 That they are rather more than irrelevant epiphenomena , at least in experimental colitis , is indicated by the anti-inflammatory effects of specific antioxidants .
2 Not surprisingly , the landlord 's covenants are rather fewer than the tenant 's and if one was of a mind , and really thought that it was worth the effort , it is possible to invent several pages of landlord 's covenants which the tenant would dearly like to have included , but this would definitely not be worthwhile .
3 They are rarely more than a couple of hundred metres high , and they are usually symmetrical , although they may be ‘ breached ’ on one side , where a lava flow has emerged .
4 Commissions and inquiries are rarely more than a device to allow politicians to put off taking decisions .
5 We said that non-standard forms are rarely more than a social irritant to some people , and that there are few situations where such forms could cause real communication problems .
6 Even in these areas , though , the farmsteads or small hamlets are rarely more than 1–2 kilometers ( ½-1 mile ) apart .
7 The hotels are rarely less than impeccable , be they five star or one , and the service , though short on warmth , overdoses on diligence .
8 Many of our finest singers — such as Josephine Barstow and John Tomlinson — have given memorable ‘ star ’ performances for Opera North ; others , like Sally Burgess and Helen Field , have developed their repertoire here , in productions which , if lacking in the radical Central European flavour promoted by the Welsh National Opera , are rarely less than good-looking and intelligent .
9 If his estimate of time was accurate , it would have been rather more than an hour since it had stopped .
10 Or else his handicap had been rather less than she had reckoned .
11 Licence fees are little more than department administration costs .
12 But military analysts in Bangkok pointed out that casualty figures are low , many of the positions along the sparsely-populated Route 69 are little more than bamboo huts sheltering two or three soldiers , and no big towns have been threatened .
13 Lewis 's eldils , for instance , are little more than the angels of Judaeo-Christian tradition ; but by confusing them linguistically with Tolkien 's eldalie ( in The Silmarillion ) , he implies that the elves of mat mythology are angelic , which they are not — they are simply elves .
14 In fact , the TECs are little more than a device for luring the private sector into tackling unemployment .
15 Those parents helping in school can sometimes feel that their goodwill is being abused and that they are little more than washers of paint pots and menders of broken books .
16 The Arab houses are little more than shacks separated by acres of devastation where developers have torn down vacated Palestinian homes .
17 There are flourishing schools which reflect the growing affluence and improved living conditions of a portion of the population , but there are other schools which are little more than shells , with few materials and facilities .
18 Despite this expansion , the low levels of education expenditure mean that many schools , especially in rural areas , are little more than shells .
19 The motives described by these authors are little more than romantic inventions , but the fact that the dying cat 's actions have been recorded in this way by very different writers is of some interest .
20 Very recently , in the 1950s and 1960s , there have been the Rex cats and the Scottish Fold cat , and even more recently the Somali and the Burmilla , although these are little more than crosses .
21 The UN will provide legitimacy for what are little more than acts of international piracy and entirely consistent with the new world order strategy of ‘ destroy and abandon ’ .
22 Those two examples , both with shrouds , are little more than three-dimensional renditions of the monumental brass type , the shrouds held in place with a top-knot , the opposite end hanging *eely behind the feet .
23 Rather than being long-standing relationships which have been strong enough to stand ‘ the test of time ’ , as we often assume , they are little more than empty shells which are no longer of any significant mutual support or value .
24 Many World War One Aerodromes are little more than a folk memory kept alive by such names as Aerodrome Cottages at Hadleigh in Suffolk .
25 Banks today are little more than expensive money shops with remote managers and fewer staff at the counters .
26 ‘ Nonsense , you are little more than a slip of a girl , you would be prey to all sorts of men , fortune hunters and the like .
27 Narrow paved streets that are little more than alleys wind informally round a low ridge once densely packed with houses .
28 In contrast , very little business of substance is transacted through Moscow 's resident NSWP ambassadors , whose postings are little more than sinecures .
29 Hence all predictions about what proportion of the total population the 65 + age group will constitute in the future are little more than speculations based upon the extrapolation of current trends .
30 They have strong fore-legs , though their back legs are hardly developed at all and are little more than buds .
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