Example sentences of "be [adj] even [subord] " in BNC.

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1 The court said obiter that the accused would have been guilty even if the police had shot dead an innocent bystander , though the actual victim was innocent too .
2 In sum , as far as employment is concerned , ethnic minorities are disadvantaged even if there are differences between different minorities .
3 For instance , all verbs agree with their subjects in gender and number , which means that links between the two are clear even when they are separated by a number of embedded clauses with their own subjects and verbs .
4 The circulation is erm is has grown every year we 've had it and that 's very important because erm a lot of the subscrip a lot of the circulation of Les Echo is in fact a subscription in advance such it 's cash generating qualities are high even when the profits are down .
5 Having caused the longest recession since the 1930s , does the Prime Minister agree with the words of his right hon. Friend the Chancellor of the Exchequer , who said last month : ’ the policy would not have been different even if we had known the outcome . ’ ?
6 The level of natural unemployment can be defined as the number of persons who are unemployed even when the labour market is in an equilibrium state : that is , when the total demand for labour is equal to the supply of labour at the prevailing level of real wage rates .
7 ( In general , this may require assuming all pieces are distinct even when they are indistinguishable. ) 3 .
8 And there you are importunate even as I am .
9 ‘ It 's like a feeling , you know you 're Irish even if you 're born here . ’
10 If the child is n't in for the mark prior going to the doctors at ten o'clock they 're absent even if they have a note .
11 This number of casualties over a period of a few days would have been exceptional even when the mujahideen guerrillas were fighting the communists .
12 In other cases the doctor may , as a result of a routine check , say you are ill even though you do not feel it .
13 I do n't think they 'd have been impressed even if he 'd told them
14 A librarian may build up sections of the stock that he feels are important even though there is no immediate response in terms of issues .
15 In many parts of the world , inoculations are advisable even if they are not required for entry .
16 The court in Greenstein said that an accused could be dishonest even though no one lost any money .
17 It accepted that someone could be guilty even though unaware of the falsity of the description and even though the description was applied to the goods by another person .
18 The accused may be guilty even though he does not in ordinary language obtain a service .
19 ‘ My father says that you 're an architect , ’ she volunteered , determined to be pleasant even if it killed her in the process .
20 Do n't tell everybody I said to that Yes they 'll be probably be smashing even when
21 I did n't get any say in the matter of how big or which brand it was , but the barmaid smiled sweetly and said ‘ Merci ’ when I paid her , because they all pretend to be French even if they are n't .
22 Similarly , things can be inseparable even as they are distinguishable , as water = H20 .
23 And of course , if you look at it er , logically , I mean , for a a woman to be tied up and kept in a room , you know , and kept prisoner all her life you could hardly expect her to be sane even if she did
24 If the Secretary of State has considered a proposed merger and made a decision as to clearance or otherwise in respect of it a fee will also be payable even if no application for clearance has been made .
25 This liability would be payable even if the venture failed , and all the capital were lost .
26 It is probably unnecessary to specify the president , as the relevant institution 's procedures will be similar even if the president is not specified .
27 However , students attention should be drawn to the fact that these were not sold in the closing down sale so open market value may not be appropriate even if it could be established .
28 Such treatment can be valuable even where foods are a major cause of symptoms ( see p l53 ) , so undertaking this type of therapy is worthwhile for a whole range of patients , not just for those whose problems are purely psychosomatic .
29 Yet , as Mary Ainsworth ( 1969 ) points out in relation to the concept of attachment between mother and child ( monkeys included ) , a mental or physiological condition can be said to be present even when it is not visible in behaviour .
30 In some pain-dominant patients with IBS , tricyclic antidepressants may be helpful even if depression is not obvious .
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