Example sentences of "be [adj] for him " in BNC.

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1 ‘ My husband has put a lot of work into Maastricht and the last six months have been awful for him , ’ she said .
2 ‘ That must have been awful for him because he loves his food .
3 About twice a day , she 'd ask herself whether this move had been right for him .
4 She had been sorry for him , and he had cheated her !
5 Obviously Wordsworth 's performance in his studies at school must have been outstanding for him to have started off at Cambridge with such a lead , and it is hardly surprising that in the college examination in 1787 he was placed in the first class .
6 ‘ It would have been possible for him , I think .
7 He was twenty — well this June — and he still had n't walked out with a girlfriend , and yet his mother was moving in very exalted circles , where it should have been possible for him to meet the pick of the debutantes .
8 It had not always been possible for him to observe the phenomenon on his own .
9 His face was so unguarded that if she had not loved him as much she would have been afraid for him .
10 By a notice of appeal dated 20 July 1992 the Official Solicitor appealed on the grounds , inter alia , that since the judge had found as facts that ( a ) T. had been able properly and fully to form a balanced judgment and had not been acting under undue influence but had been acting voluntarily , and ( b ) her several expressions withholding consent were valid refusals which bound the hospital , ( 1 ) he had erred in finding himself entitled to make the declaration ; ( 2 ) it had been wrong for him to assess T. 's subsequent intentions and to make assumptions as to whether she would have qualified or changed her refusal in the later circumstances ; and ( 3 ) he had erred in finding that ( a ) there was no evidence that T. had wished to refuse a blood transfusion even though it was at risk to her life , ( b ) lack of understanding of the risks involved justified acting against her expressed refusal , ( c ) her withholding of consent did not embrace the emergency which had arisen and took no account of changed circumstances , ( d ) her expressed refusals did not evince a settled intention to persist in her refusal even if injurious to her health when her best interests required a transfusion ; and ( e ) he was not satisfied that her refusal was continuing .
11 I am delighted for him .
12 ‘ I am delighted for him and us .
13 George admits freely that life has been fortunate for him .
14 It would have been easy for him to take it off .
15 It had not been easy for him to gain readmission .
16 This is Tuesday and it would have been appropriate for him to have raised this matter then .
17 And the second time round it 's been perfect for him because he bought from Karen 's house the Hoover and the saucepans and everything that was his .
18 I know you 're good for him .
19 I am thrilled for him .
20 I 'm not saying I 'd have been good for him or him for me , but it did provide a link in a chain that was to tie me to glory in the Open .
21 But , generally , Ollie seemed to have been good for him and brought his character out a lot .
22 Keith says Shaunagh has been good for him .
23 It must have been terrible for him .
24 It must have been lonely for him .
25 How could I not have been happy for him ?
26 He had rightly judged that it would have been unwise for him to associate himself with the movement of the Earl of Lancaster or with Rent 's conspiracy .
27 But he will not be unhappy or in pain any more , and I am happy for him .
28 ‘ I 'm sorry for him , ’ said Betty unexpectedly .
29 I 'm sorry for him .
30 They were unanimous that she would not be right for him .
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