Example sentences of "be [adj] [prep] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 If , the Hopf bifurcation does not occur for any positive r , and are stable for all otherwise C " + are stable in and unstable in .
2 This is to be expected , since the purpose of a domain-specific dictionary is to capture precisely those collocations that are specific to and therefore representative of that domain , in preference to any others with which the individual words may otherwise be associated .
3 We are grateful to and for their cooperation in putting this article together , and , of course , the last word comes from them :
4 The scheme is less helpful for the person who is handicapped from youth and has no experience of work , and it is not always suitable for those who are unused to and ill-suited for industrial work , for example , those from clerical work or service trades .
5 Our study shows that the guidelines are acceptable to and suitable for use by general practitioners and suggests that they can substantially reduce referral levels and reduce patients ' exposure to radiation .
6 State organizations are responsive to and controlled by legitimately elected elites .
7 A system is that part of the world which we are interested in or which we are investigating .
8 Make a note of the job number that you are interested in and take it along to the clerk at the desk .
9 It is only car cases of the larger mammals that kites are interested in and help to remove .
10 The double answer — schools are different from but they are also the same as other organizations — was confirmed when Handy and Aitken ( 1986:34 ) asked whether , in their essentials , schools were just like other organizations .
11 ‘ Counter cultures ’ are groups of people within society whose values and norms are different from and go against those held in the wider society .
12 They see labour as something which can be bought and sold and , for them , that is all there is to it ; when they use that idea of labour they are unaware of and unconcerned with what has caused it .
13 At ward level , managerial changes often seem to have little impact or significance on clinical practice , and experience suggests many nurses are unaware of or uninterested in the implications of such reforms .
14 We are distinct from but in partnership with the public sector .
15 In the ommatidia they occur as proteinaceous granules in the pigment cells surrounding the crystalline cone and retinulae ; they are distinct from and sometimes masked by the ommochrome pigments that may also be present .
16 ‘ The very substantial funds which we are making available for Eastern Europe … are separate from and additional to our regular aid programme . ’
17 Acid cleaners are accessible to and are used only by senior supervisors .
18 The present proceedings are not precisely covered by any of the statutory relaxations of the privilege but they are similar to and analogous to situations in which Parliament has intervened .
19 If the results are similar to or better than those predicted theoretically , the transformation is satisfactory .
20 Whether despite this revolution in design the cellular mechanisms required for learning and memory in invertebrates are similar to or radically different from those in vertebrates is an issue which is still unresolved in research terms , and one which will occupy some of the discussion of the following chapter .
21 got going for you now of course , is you have a very , or a fairly good idea of what you 're strong at and what you are weak at , or what you , one part of the weaknesses is planning things , and analysing things .
22 There 's no fee involved , it 's a completely free service , all I 'm here to really do today is to have a chat with you , find out what you 're interested in and see if we can situation , is that alright ?
23 After two seasons as captain of Essex , he resigned saying : ‘ As I see it , when you win you 're supposed to and when you do n't , it 's your fault . ’
24 After two seasons as captain of Essex , he resigned saying : ‘ As I see it , when you win you 're supposed to and when you do n't , it 's your fault . ’
25 We all know the grave problems in some of our children 's homes but we ca n't run away with the fact that er they 're unique to or the problems do n't exist elsewhere because we all know they do .
26 Janet posted a letter for me last week to a friend who I worked with at Ipswich , she was one of the girls behind the counter and at the moment they , her and her husband , he , he , he , he was on the , he finished up but he started as a lad in the kitchen but he finished up as a chef on the dining cars and they married and er and they 've got er two children erm they 're married to and , and we kept , we 've kept in touch with each other for sixty years
27 The danger with this was that the longer it went on the more likely it became that both players and fans would get their priorities wrong , so that the feeling of ‘ we may as well concentrate on what we 're good at and not bother too much about Tests ’ would become steadily more predominant .
28 My company provides a sales and marketing function for all kinds of firms who prefer to concentrate on what they 're good at and leave the selling of it to us .
29 And they reckon what , what it , that 's all it 's going to be a three hour test I do n't agree with putting a child of that age through a test I mean there 's none of this nursery pick out who is slow on what , where , why and when , who 's good at something who 's , who 's not so good at it , erm apparently and er , put a seven year old through this exam , find out what they 're good at and what they 're not , well the teachers obviously are n't doing their jobs very well .
30 Oh yes , I mean if there 's that you 're good at or if you 've got a good idea that 's simply fun I 'm sure all young people would be really willing to help .
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