Example sentences of "be [adj] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 There are spacious public rooms opening onto terraces and a small garden , a popular bar , pizzeria , á la carte restaurant , lounges , TV room and two lifts .
2 There are ample sporting facilities on offer within the Centre .
3 Not a new situation , for there are ample historical parallels .
4 This is a matter about which many sociolinguists feel sensitive , particularly since a large proportion of the communities which they study are repressed indigenous groups like the Aborigines , or underprivileged ethnic minorities like the American blacks or British Asians .
5 Yet , Hurd 's suggestions implicitly assume that both states are stable political entities — which they are not .
6 There are drowsy old houses , sleepy alleys and squares , intimate cafes , and the air of medieval Switzerland envelopes you .
7 Because of their stability , they are hard to dispose of and are persistent environmental contaminants .
8 The police know that ’ hotting ’ , ram-raiding , and related offences are committed by a comparatively small number of people , many of whom are persistent young criminals .
9 Those luggers , as Denholm said , are hopeless windward sailors but in this case it will be directly astern of them and carry them down towards the Kásos Strait to the east of the easternmost tip of Crete . ’
10 There is a good example in Goldmann ( 1964 ) , and there are classic pioneering studies in Gramsci ( translated 1971 ) and Benjamin ( translated 1973 ) .
11 I accept that , if there are unnecessary bureaucratic rules or regulations or ways to get forms filled out singly rather than in triplicate , we shall do everything we can to speed up the process .
12 Most of our women in the House are frightful old bats .
13 They are strange little creatures with a shell-like carapace and clinging feeler-like attachments .
14 Well , there are strange little bits of old-fashioned good Englishness about , dating perhaps from the late forties , when city streets were safe and when people of good will in England were happy and even proud to see the end of Empire .
15 For the hotel and catering industry split duties , weekends , Christmas , Easter and bank holidays are normal working periods .
16 And inside the buildings , there are normal everyday things going on like whist drives , discos and parties ; there are shops , and a pub .
17 These are normal circular rows .
18 In these circumstances there is little visible money to be made out of feminism as such , although there are specific financial benefits to be gained by institutions from the identification of women as a deprived minority .
19 In what follows I will argue that there are specific financial advantages for Japanese firms which compensate for the presumed loss of efficiency that accompanied the shift away from the model of atomistic competition proposed in the reforms of the US Occupation .
20 In what follows I will argue that there are specific financial advantages for Japanese firms which compensate for the presumed loss of efficiency that accompanied the shift away from the model of atomistic competition proposed in the reforms of the US Occupation .
21 For the creative department of the agency , then , there are specific creative objectives , to be achieved through the fulfilment of creative strategy .
22 Only in the case of sufferers from the " family disease " who genuinely have both psychiatric and addictive disease are specific psychiatric drugs of any value and not in this case a definite hindrance to recovery .
23 Products are always tested to conform to standard specifications ( as printed in the catalogue ) , but if there are specific analytical needs , they will gladly perform custom analyses , ensuring that the product will work for a particular application .
24 There are specific statutory powers to admit certain types of documentary evidence particularly relevant to child care cases .
25 There are specific legislative provisions which apply to fiscal valuations and which supplement case law .
26 Middlesbrough Council spokesman Mike Clark said the £15,000 available for grants had been over-subscribed four times .
27 Inside the walls are narrow Medieval streets , shops , houses , the castle and the cathedral of S. Nazaire .
28 Thus , the terminology corresponds approximately with the nature of the landform , although there are low raised beaches without deposits and a few of the higher marine terraces with deposits .
29 Although many ferns are low herbaceous plants , they have periodically attained the dimensions of trees ; forests of such tree ferns exist today in humid regions , for example in New Zealand .
30 As before the benefits are low monthly repayments , maintenance and repair bills kept to a minimum , and a selection of three end-of-agreement alternatives .
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