Example sentences of "be [prep] what is " in BNC.

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1 The historian D.L.W. Tough comments that the main pointers are in what is omitted rather than what is mentioned : barely a reference to shirts or nightshirts , and the possibility that even adult Borderers had their underclothes sewn on and removed as seldom as those of slum children in later industrial cities .
2 Two of the best pieces here are Emeric Pressburger 's entrancing memoir of his Berlin hobo days in the 1920s , and the cinematographer Nestor Almendros 's insights into what a woman needs to become a screen goddess ; neither helps justify the book 's claim to be about what is happening in movies now .
3 Then you 're either fortunate or perhaps less aware than you might be about what is going on .
4 If Rangers can produce a victory tonight 's game — played on neutral territory because of the severe Moscow winter — their prospects of emerging from the group as winners will be enhanced , particularly as the last of their six games will be against what is likely to be an even more depleted Russian side .
5 We shall need to be more flexible in the way we handle retirement , and as generous as we can be to what is fortunately a declining proportion of the retired — that is , those who rely entirely on their State pension .
6 And she 's a ring on her finger that 's worth what is it , Bernard , five grand or something ?
7 The first is through what is called direct response — where people volunteer information about themselves .
8 The first demarcation is between what is and is not ‘ higher education ’ ; this constitutes the general boundary within which knowledge and curricula are structured .
9 ‘ It is with what is called new age travellers . ’
10 So the enquiry that is reported in this paper is into what is ‘ in the mind ’ in terms of mental processes and constructs and how what is ‘ in the mind ’ makes particular political milieux .
11 The Club proceeded in the mid-60 's with what is its most recent major course alteration , the re-arrangement of four holes .
12 On Monday September 13 John Burkes play Mickey Doherty 's in what is definitely a competition game .
13 The child is in what is described as a position of ‘ transverse lie ; ’ with the elbow projecting through the cervix and the head being on the right side .
14 The only increase smaller than the £15 is in what is known as the terminal illness category for nursing homes , for reasons that I explained to the House in my uprating statement , where we have instead thought it more appropriate to make , through the Department of Health , an additional grant of £1 million specifically directed to the funding of hospices .
15 The commitment is to what is safe .
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