Example sentences of "be [art] fact that " in BNC.

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1 The decisive factor in this case seems to have been the fact that there had been no previous contact between the child and the birth father .
2 Also encouraging has been the fact that a row with America over government procurement , which threatened to spill over into tit-for-tat sanctions , was averted at the last minute .
3 Most significant of all has been the fact that it is now possible for banks to engage in a full range of securities related business along the same lines as the German universal banks , a practice which had hitherto been avoided in the UK through the imposition of self-imposed constraints .
4 A representative assessment is that given by the library manager : I would say that one of the biggest advantages was the fact that senior management … from the Head down , from the very word go , were after making it a success … one thing we have got is a greater awareness from a greater number of staff , because they come in here to supervise and help [ and ] get involved … but I think the biggest advantage has been the fact that time devoted to … library skills for all the first year … [ has ] been extended to an hour a week …
5 Moderator in the course of my lifetime I believe one of the big changes within a family has been the fact that grace is no longer said at meal times .
6 And even more fun had been the fact that James Pegg had not been present ; secure in his knowledge , as he thought , that Alfred was taking an extra lesson in quenelles cookery from Mr Didier .
7 After all — had n't one of the things that had made it so difficult to get over Tony been the fact that he 'd got off scot-free ?
8 One of the problems of dealing with Community Charge , apart from sheer volumes has been the fact that different issues have been dealt with by different sections .
9 One of the reasons for the Government 's failure has been the fact that they did not bring together all the groups involved .
10 Perhaps one of the most welcome results of its installation , has been the fact that hotplates , which can often cause dishes to dry out , can now be dispensed with for high volume catering .
11 A major problem for climatologists has been the fact that temperatures in the southern hemisphere have risen more than in the northern hemisphere .
12 I mean , we do n't stand still at this because what will seem a very good service this year will look like a lousy service in five years ' time so let's not pretend the fact that we have n't achieved everything we 've achieved this year in some previous years means that we have n't made any improvements because I think one of the key areas where in fact er improvements have been made in previous years , and to a certain extent , one could say reading this I was worried by an apparent admission of very much reference or very much expenditure on them in the provision of day centres , because I think that a key element in care in the community and the fact that today so successfully this year has been the fact that a major number of th and I do n't think there 's any disagreement over this , a number of day centres , very efficient and very effective day centres , were developed , funded , provided mainly in the conurbation areas and I think Mr is right to highlight the fact that , as so often happens in these instances , it 's people who live in conurbations who get the best deal because it 's , it 's more economical , it 's easier to provide a centre for a large number of people than it is for a small number of people .
13 My belief that all men are mortal is caused , but not by the fact that all men are mortal ; if any facts cause it , they are the facts that this man , that man , etc. , have died .
14 Among the pieces of evidence advanced for the traditional view , for example , are the facts that until late in the reign of Suleyman the Muftis were considerably less well-paid than the kazaskers and that the Muftis did not sit in the divan whereas the kazaskers did .
15 So brief is the note , and couched in such general terms , that it is difficult to base much upon it , but worth noting are the facts that he clearly saw his choice as lying in the normal way between tedris and kaza , which he calls two paths or careers ; that a signal disadvantage of teaching was that it was unremunerative ; and , not least , that , unable to contemplate either alternative , he was able to find a home for his talents and interests in the bureaucracy .
16 They are the facts that everyone knows , Mr Holmes , ’ he said .
17 Those are the facts that industry wants to hear .
18 The main areas are the fact that the purchaser will require the vendor to give warranties and perhaps indemnities , enter restrictive covenants and perhaps provide a parent company guarantee or some form of security .
19 the only erm problem I had I think with the basic er terms as outlined in this document are the fact that I 'm going to be wor erm intending to work for fif at least fifty of the fifty two weeks in the year at it when of course erm certainly as we 'd already agreed on my erm business plan within the summer month from the the end of July until the beginning of September
20 Amongst , points they might like to consider , are the fact that the scheme is very simple to operate and extremely cheap .
21 Well I felt that although , obviously , computers do do arithmetic and they do it very quickly , to me probably the more important aspects are the fact that one has a visual display on the computer screen which can convey information without numbers in a more rapid way to most people .
22 ‘ I suppose it could be the fact that I backed Double Dutch at 10-1 as a saver simply because I think she 's good value and certainly not because there 's anything wrong with my horse , ’ Ramsden said .
23 The good news has to be the fact that the subject is at last being discussed openly .
24 It could be argued that one of the reasons for the social division in the area might be the fact that those in charge of the paraphernalia of research did in a sense predefine conflict in this way .
25 One reason could be the fact that the absorption spectra of stars show the rare and chemically inactive gases such as krypton , neon and xenon to be much more common than here on Earth .
26 I think he could cope all right but at the back of his mind will always be the fact that possibly he let the party down .
27 Sun 's other weak point may be the fact that WABI 's Praxsys creators come from BIOS house Phoenix Technologies Ltd where they would have had access to MS-DOS .
28 Sun 's other weak point may be the fact that WABI 's Praxsys creators come from BIOS house Phoenix Technologies Ltd , where they would have had access to MS-DOS , although Phoenix was one of the pioneers of the concept of the clean room , where no-one that has any inside knowledge of the code being emulated is allowed to come into contact with the developers of the emulation .
29 It may be the fact that this end of the dale is shielded by the Howgills and the other by Wold Fell and Blea Moor , which , combined with its narrowness , makes Dentdale so lush and green — I do n't know .
30 ( g ) We do not know what the mother said to Miss T. , because she has not chosen to tell the court , but it appears to be the fact that on the two occasions when Miss T. raised the issue of blood transfusions , she did so suddenly and ‘ out of the blue ’ without any inquiry from hospital staff and immediately following occasions when she had been alone with her mother .
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