Example sentences of "be [noun sg] [prep] her " in BNC.

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1 Self-confidence had not been part of her education so , despite her brief period of employment at de Levantiére 's , she felt insecure and nervous when she met new people .
2 The only evening dress she had brought with her was the colour of well-polished copper , which added a little colour to her pale complexion , but it was not going to be warm enough and so she took the mink that had been part of her trousseau from the wardrobe and slung it around her shoulders .
3 Miss Hannah Hauxwell , dressed in men 's trousers and old jacket so torn that it looked as though savaging by wolf packs had once been part of her daily routine , looked at me mildly .
4 Fully awake now , Polly lay absolutely still , her mind racing as she tried to work out what was real and what had been part of her dream .
5 That had certainly been part of her reason for slipping away .
6 If she 'd fought the rape there 'd have been skin from her attacker under the fingernails .
7 Fabia had a soft spot for dogs , and cats too , for that matter , and there had been talk of her training to be a vet .
8 But there was more to it than that : as the only daughter and elder sister to Nathan and Matthew , she had become far more involved in the running of the household , and had been witness to her mother 's frequent pregnancies , miscarriages and confinements .
9 It said quite plainly , there will be trouble , mademoiselle , and Jenna followed Marguerite into the house that had been home to her father for all those years .
10 Her destiny would have been marriage to her brother , then aged 9 .
11 I am bone of her bone
12 I am bone of her bone ,
13 ‘ Perhaps I prefer cold air to hot air , ’ he suggested urbanely , his eyes darkening with what could have been amusement at her spirited defence of her career .
14 There would always have been ambivalence towards her charges because they were not only a means to an end , but also rivals for the limited rations of parental attention .
15 If she married Pogo , she could do exactly as she pleased and she would be mistress of her own home .
16 Maggie needed her , Rachel needed her , and she had no other choice ; passion was not to be part of her calling .
17 That might sound like vanity but there 's no doubt that she means it ; she says she looks forward to sleep if she feels Bob might be part of her dreams .
18 And when she saw the family cottage , it seemed to be part of her body and life , as it always did .
19 She saw that the need to be watchful and attentive , and at the same time , generous and understanding , was to be part of her life for every hour of every day .
20 If he loved Dana he would be part of her sister 's life and she hoped she would never have to see him again .
21 How had it happened , this tragedy of falling in love with a man who could never be part of her destiny ?
22 The truth was , she thought with a pang , that since Paul had ceased to be part of her life she had n't felt the desire or the need for any kind of social life , apart from the occasional visit to a pub with colleagues .
23 It might be part of her job to parade through the ballroom but she surely did n't want to have to prattle facts and figures for what she was wearing now , a skin-tight concoction of bugle heads and sequins that probably cost more than she 'd make for the entire year .
24 That may be part of her gutteral language : it is certainly not part of mine .
25 They 'd only be evidence of her crush on Harry , not of his presence at her death . ’
26 There might indeed be news of her beloved Mr. Andrew , but it might not be good news .
27 Rose had decreed there should be music in her shops , and she had selected the repertoire herself .
28 This is intended to reflect her costs as ‘ carer ’ of the child(ren) but it seems probable that many people will interpret it as being money for her maintenance .
29 One of Leila Berg 's grandchildren , Martha , at the age of eighteen months had a speaking vocabulary of 258 words ( Berg , 1977 , pp.26–9 ) and no doubt a more extensive hearing vocabulary since she was a full member of the family ’ s conversation group and stories were part of her life .
30 She realized she had never seen the servants before except as part of the backdrop of Summer Lodge , now she saw that they were part of her life , real people with loves and loyalties especially to her and it made her feel suddenly humble .
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