Example sentences of "be [adj -er] even [subord] " in BNC.

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1 The standards it sets on promotion are lower even than Britain 's .
2 We 've had lectures in the biology area , in physics , in engineering and in chemistry , so that we 've really spanned the whole shooting match really as far as that goes , and of course we try to put something into these lectures for those doing the most advanced work in the sixth form and also for those doing O levels , let's say , and some who are younger even than that .
3 Perhaps morally I 'm younger even than you are .
4 ‘ Suffice it to say that I 'm older even than that . ’
5 In the words of a report of the ministry of economics and finance ( cited in El País , 6 July 1983 ) , ‘ the losses that occur in practice tend to be higher even than those originally forecast because , among other reasons , of the increase in financial charges implied by the need to finance the lags in financial flows caused by insufficient budgetary provision ’ .
6 It was going to be worse even than she had feared .
7 The number of black holes may well be greater even than the number of visible stars , which totals about a hundred thousand million in our galaxy alone .
8 Anthony spent as much time with Julia as he could , but there were patients at the hospital who were iller even than she and at times he had to leave her with Comfort and Annunziata .
9 Romania was not unique in cramming its citizens into overcrowded tenements which would have attracted the indignation of Dickens , but the process of urban deprivation was pushed much further because by the 1980s , the shortages of food , fuel and almost every kind of consumer good were worse even than in provincial Russia or small-town Poland .
10 The muddle and rush were greater even than at Reading , and we were often kept there for some twenty minutes .
11 He was salvaged from this desperate scrape by his chauffeur-valet , Livsey , thus proving that truth is stranger even than the fiction of Bertie Wooster and Jeeves .
12 This is lower even than El Salvador with 2.5 per cent , and 4 to 5 per cent for other Central American countries in 1986 .
13 ‘ It 's better even than when I was home — all my brothers and sisters in bed with me .
14 erm It 's smaller even than Italy and erm and almost as low as Greece .
15 In any event , as we have already seen , owner-occupancy among ethnic minorities , especially those of Asian origin , is higher even than that among whites and , on these grounds , discrimination in this sector is unlikely to be severe .
16 increase in the number of patients treated compared with last year , which is higher even than the Government 's forecast increase in patient care .
17 But it also suggests that the tendency people have to favour quick repayment is stronger even than suggested by the majority stated preference ( for quick repayment versus small instalments ) .
18 The range of things that can be addictive , though , is wider even than the range of available drugs .
19 The swing of 24.7 per cent to the Liberal Democrats was larger even than that at Eastbourne in October 1990 [ see p. 37784 ] , or than the swing to Labour at Mid-Staffordshire in March of that year [ see pp. 37328-29 ] .
20 ‘ It was better even than being in a novel — this being , this fairly wallowing in a libretto . ’
21 Even in the fading light it impressed her , if only because it was worse even than she had imagined — or Lionel had said .
22 The Captain wondered at this hatred which was stronger even than family loyalty .
23 His Western network for other news was wider even than that , not to mention the other more extravagant system he had discussed with no one except , of course , Loppe .
24 It should be said that his range of original and indeed trail-blazing contributions to modern theology was wider even than this .
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