Example sentences of "be [adj -er] for we " in BNC.

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1 he 's got to be himself , for , yeah selfish it 's been easier for us for transport problem , if Paul decides to go somewhere else I think you 've got to give 'em them freedom to do it , freedom of choice
2 For it would have been better for us to serve the Egyptians than to die in the wilderness . ’
3 Probably the tea would of been better for us .
4 The guards had always said that they were n't bothered about anyone in British gaols , so we 'd hoped it would be easier for us to get out than for the others .
5 For example , if we seek a document on the economic history of Germany and we know that works on history are arranged first by country , then by social process and then by period , it will be easier for us to find this document than if the subdivision was less systematic .
6 One day they came to take us away , saying it would be better for us — what do they know ?
7 The press scour whole countries for a sighting of the relaxing politician , and friends who might know where he is are propositioned with both money and arguments such as ‘ I am sure you will agree that it would be better for us to find him before the Daily Mirror ’ .
8 ‘ Our wives and our little ones will become a prey ; would it not be better for us to go back to Egypt ?
9 Advertisements , packages and labels all stress that their product contains only natural ingredients , since ‘ natural ’ things are supposed to be better for us .
10 The matter crosses delicate and dangerous ground , and it might be better for us both if it remained unexplored . ’
11 Nevertheless it will be the Schrödinger point of view that will be better for us to follow .
12 Do you do you not think it would be better for us both to speak to ? speak to her and say obviously you were upset about not getting the job but this non- communication thing is not really erm going to you know be good for the sales office in the long term .
13 Nothing could have been worse for us than the children having to suffer and , thankfully , so far they have not had to .
14 This is easier for us , for it presents less challenge to the habits of our mental and emotional processes .
15 Let us suppose that binary oppositions are natural in the sound system of a language , that because of the physical properties of our auditory apparatus it is easier for us to distinguish x/not-x-type contrasts .
16 It is easier for us to do this than it is for the English or Americans . ’
17 And and I 'm all in favour as I say getting more through the letter box , it 's easier for us and it But I I think I mean I 'm quite happy to leave this now and just carry on with the bridal But we have to make this pay itself
18 It 's easier for us
19 we said it 's easier for us than to keep borrowing Eileen 's every year
20 Yeah well it 's cheaper for us anyway .
21 I mean , we 're buying coal which is subsidised abroad so therefore it 's cheaper for us to buy it and bring it in , but what happens when all , all our home supplies have dried up
22 And she said , he said she said yes that 's cheaper for us .
23 I think we 're all agreed that it 's better for us to die honourably together in this way than to risk a worse fate at the hands of the enemy . "
24 If we can get full pages fine but sometimes it 's better for us to get these .
25 Thursday 's better for us to go and then nanny took it apart .
26 ‘ It is better for us to say we are going to have to institute a series of strict priorities .
27 Although we were terrified that they would find where we had hidden our film equipment , it was easier for us than for our crewmates to express our anger , and we blustered the officials off the ship .
28 She said she had held the document back for so long because she was afraid it would re-open old wounds for my mother and because she felt sure it was better for us not to know what it contained . ’
29 That was better for us because it 's in the next district and meant they had to do the work and not us . ’
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