Example sentences of "be [Wh adv] it be " in BNC.

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1 And those beetles of yours — the ones that could n't get home because the sheet was moving almost as fast as they could walk — that must be how it is for light moving through our space .
2 The most general level at which socialisation takes place will obviously be where it is common to the society as a whole .
3 Like the other gentleman that was Portobello er if it can nae be where it is now then Straiton , for me , would be the best option .
4 We both believed , and we believe now , that Britain should be where it is , at the heart of Europe , benefiting enormously from the economic and political advantages of membership of a community of 330 million people .
5 This may be why it is said that couples who pray together , stay together .
6 So that 'll be why it 's full then ?
7 Which would be why it was such a terrible blaze , it ripped the roof right off .
8 The court will order the money to be paid out only if the risks are the same as they were when it was paid in and on terms protecting the defendant as to costs .
9 er they also brought out some a good range of lighting fittings er , which you still see about again used well I , I remember putting one , you saying about putting lights at different levels , erm a staircase which was in a new house which was architect design and built and erm , the staircase was er more or less centrally in the house rather than be stuck against one wall and so it had a well and down the centre of the well we strung one of these lights with er five different glasses suspended on black flex five black flexes and erm these were shades made of heavy glass er the glass was n't painted it was coloured all the way through , er and erm they were called er Chelsea , Chelsea glasswork and erm these each had a lamp inside them well er about three inch diameter cylinders actually about eight inches long and they were hung at different heights er so that the lip behind the staircase and also of course there 's a staircase being where it was , it was in the centre of er , a , quite a large hallway for modern stand for modern standards and erm it of course was a feature of the hall as well .
10 • This is how it 's done in England and Wales — not in Scotland .
11 So this is how it 's going to be , thinks Howard , as he rides down in the lift again .
12 The other one , identifying and encouraging environmentally sust sus sustainable production , which is how it 's being ?
13 it 's fixed , and this is how it 's accelerating , well its acceleration zero all the time , he 's not getting any faster .
14 Well , so that is how it 's going to council .
15 But that is how it is .
16 This is how it is .
17 ‘ Look , ’ said Lisa , ‘ I never thought that the Women 's Liberation Movement would be spread by word , rather than action , but that is how it is . ’
18 One could say that the pressing question is how it is possible to live , rather than what teleology to adopt ; or at least that the latter does not sort the former out .
19 Yet this is how it is being sold .
20 Oignon ( onion ) becomes ognon on the ground that this is how it is pronounced ( what would happen to Inglish if it were spelled phonetically ? ) .
21 It is how it is determined .
22 What matters is how it is handled .
23 But Darwin conceived that natural selection applied to individuals , or possibly to species , and that is how it is still understood .
24 Inhibition is quite different from suppressing one 's own natural responses , although this is how it is often interpreted .
25 THIS , SOME would say , is how it is .
26 By the time we reach the end of the scene we see that this is how it is , for the fulsome praisers of their father put aside their hypocrisy and , left alone with each other , and with us , reveal their true nature , moving down from inflated verse to coldly pragmatic prose : They are not only cold and censorious — ‘ unruly waywardness … infirm and choleric years … unconstant starts ’ — but end by planning some form of counteraction : ‘ We shall further think on it ’ — ‘ We must do something , and i ’ th' heat' ( 307f . ) .
27 I 'm sorry , but that is how it is .
28 It is hard to believe that any business whose life blood is communications could lag behind in using modern information technology , but that is how it is with British public relations .
29 She heard what he said and she thought , so that is how it is , and how it is going to be .
30 I see , she thought , he is to be the one who is rejected ; that is how it is to be .
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