Example sentences of "be [that] [n mass] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The second is that staff who transfer from hospitals to the community change their attitudes toward their charges , taking on new enabling and nurturing rather than rule-enforcing and limit-setting care roles .
2 What all this suggests is that people themselves may anticipate that a particular type of credit would be difficult for them to arrange , and therefore simply do not apply for it .
3 This is not to say that man can mine coal where it does not occur geologically , or that some settlements do not originate because of the existence of some material which the inhabitants extract ; what it does mean is that people themselves determine what is exploited and how they deal with the extraction .
4 But he said : ‘ What has upset me more than missing the Olympics is that people I like and respect are going to think I 'm a cheat . ’
5 The Unionist MP Ken Maginnis , a former UDR member , said : ‘ What I hope is not happening is that people who — as I would have had in my time — had montages for lawful and necessary purposes will be made scapegoats . ’
6 ‘ My fear is that people who are not suspected of committing an immigration offence may find themselves on this machine , which could have startling ramifications for them , ’ he said this week .
7 The one stumbling block is that people who come to the bank for loans have to pay half the consultant 's fee — which could come to several hundred pounds .
8 The second major problem is that people who do not consider that these needs have been met continually manipulate others to meet them .
9 Well the suggestion is that people who are n't er maintaining a traditional family unit are actually being , like being penalised by public policy , is is is that a general opinion ?
10 The experience of rehabilitation centres is that people who come to them having been conscientiously cheerful since the day of their loss , who have never wept or allowed themselves to enter fully into the pain of their loss , find it much more difficult to acquire new skills .
11 Erm the problem is that people who were in this account two years ago were earning thirteen and a half percent , well say eighteen months ago .
12 The general impression from the media action people who answered the telephones is that people who called appreciated the information point and had no objections to being asked to call another number to deal with enquiries about bills .
13 One of its most important aspects is that people who go on to DWA will retain their underlying entitlement to any benefit which they may have had before they went on to DWA and that they will not have to requalify , if they fail in their efforts to work .
14 The most important outcome of the increased use of monitoring equipment is that people who suffer from respiratory diseases can be alerted to the possibility of a problem arising within the following 24 hours .
15 you do n't think the other thing is that people who erm you know there there is everybody 's got wedding fairs in their own area , first of all , they 're going to go to those anyway and buy from their own local person .
16 But nonetheless the literal translation I understand is that people who are Dutch citizens in this country should contact the er ambassador at thirty eight Hyde Park Gate and seek the relevant forms in order to register for the election and vote in the U K and I hope our friends er in in the Binnenhoff have taken that a little more seriously than appears to have been the case in in the Home Office .
17 All I can say is that people who hear my voice keep saying do n't you sound like Pam Ayres .
18 erm The other side of that is that people who phone you up and do n't say is it convenient to speak .
19 One interesting finding was that people who reported personal contact with suicide attempters were more likely to have hostile attitudes towards attempted suicide .
20 The important feature of both initiatives was that people who normally work independently from each other and who shared a common vision and interest , were brought together also to share and benefit from each other 's expertise .
21 The trouble was that neither of them was entirely certain he was right , and the funny thing was that people who were n't entirety certain they were right always argued much louder than other people , as if the main person they were trying to convince was themselves .
22 Now what that does of course is close off the centre line and what found was that people who were positive communicators as they spoke to somebody they presented the centre line to them .
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