Example sentences of "be [that] [pers pn] [be] " in BNC.

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1 I am that I am .
2 ‘ After all you 've done in the past for Rosemary and me , and are still doing , ’ he went on , ‘ I got to thinking yesterday that I could have been a sight more energetic in letting you know how delighted I am that you 're going to marry my cousin .
3 For example , in the educational dimension , the aims for a child aged 3–4 are that s/he is provided with opportunities for intellectual growth and pre-school learning and is well-prepared for starting school .
4 Latest reports are that they are breeding successfully .
5 Drawbacks are that they are carburetted , requiring much wristwork from the driver on the hefty levers which control the warm air intakes .
6 Frequently recurring criticisms of the contracts are that they are of up to nine years ' duration , they contain hidden annual increases , that the costs of settling old agreements are added to the undisclosed capital value of new equipment , and that the total cost of a contract is not disclosed .
7 Their main advantages are that they are relatively cheap , come in a wide range of sizes and styles , and can be built directly into the brickwork without the need for a sub-frame .
8 The owners of both Cool Ground and Twin Oaks are keen to run their horses and the indications are that they are likely to get their way .
9 The advantages of pods , are that they are cheap and easily replaced .
10 The disadvantages are that they are flimsy , and have many potential contact problems .
11 The disadvantages are that they are expensive and only available from Garrett outlets .
12 The two big advantages of capillary fittings are that they are considerably cheaper than compression fittings and much neater in appearance .
13 Their main disadvantages are that they are affected by jointing compound and that they may not fit through the loft hatch .
14 Now the indications are that they are likely to provide some funding though we have n't had that formally in writing yet .
15 The strengths of these people are that they are flexible , popular , and they have good listening skills .
16 But the signs are that they are going to get tough with clubs that offer idle excuses for not getting their cup-ties out of the way .
17 They are that they are that , because I tell you what it is , I do n't know
18 what the counties are that we 're covering ,
19 All the indications are that we are now forging ahead .
20 All the signs are that we are going to have to put up with far from satisfactory liquid crystal diode displays if we want portability , and recognising that the things are far from ideal , Japanese manufacturers are pulling out all the stops to improve the things .
21 We shall do our best , of course , to hold the Residency against them , but the chances are that we are now too few to be able to do so For this reason all the wounded , the ladies , and the children must be taken to the banqueting hall tonight , together with water , powder , cloth , and indeed every single object that might come to our assistance .
22 Several papers said so — and are still unwilling to listen to the facts which are that we are simply encouraging staff — not branch managers — to collect fees which are properly due .
23 Further assumptions are that we are fragmented as a movement , and that unity , not a hollow unity which does not go beyond slogans , but an authentic unity established in a principled way , would enable us to have more of an impact in effecting change in our own communities and in turn worldwide .
24 In August , 1944 I was flying Mustangs from Grimbergen , through to the Arnhem campaign , and my memories are that we were the first RAF Squadron to be based near Brussels , and only a matter of a few days after our armies had liberated that City .
25 The signs are that he is prepared to sign up for the emerging versions of both political and monetary union .
26 The odds are that he is no longer alive , but I have a silk thread hanging in there with God that he is still alive .
27 McClellan feels that the advantages to the librarian of this arrangement are that he is able to exercise constantly all his professional skills and avoid being bogged down by a heavy burden of administrative routine .
28 Dr Jim Howe , Tony 's doctor , said : ‘ His parents said how peaceful their son has looked over his last few days and how relieved they are that he is finally at rest . ’
29 The signs are that he is right .
30 You perhaps do not realize how long and desperately people have fought to keep Winston Spencer Churchill in the wilderness , and how furiously angry many of them are that he is back where he belongs .
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