Example sentences of "be [to-vb] from [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Note also that the fewer units you have the less likely you are to suffer from animosity .
2 Sadly , Arthur Hellyer is also no longer with us , he died last week at the age of 90 ; two of his titles are to appear from Hamlyn in March : The Hellyer Pocket Guide ( £4.99 ) and The Hellyer Gardening Encyclopedia ( £14.99 , 0 600 57645 0 ) .
3 Three organisations are to benefit from Hartlepool Council 's lottery fund .
4 They are to come from Grove Farm , just as you recommended , 12 Rhode Islands and 6 pullets .
5 ‘ T is a rare pity thar ai n't no Brownies now in t' dale to do good turns to housewives , with all t' jobs there are to do from morn till night . ’
6 If it should be made in conjunction with the Corvedale line , assuming that the capital is raised for that line , it may be too late then to enquire how trains are to run from Lydham village to Bishop 's Castle , which now might be placed on the main line , or what expenditure will be necessary to make the roads to Lydham village as suitable for the inhabitants of Norbury , Wentnor , &c. , as those over which they at present travel to Lydham Heath .
7 He cautions against assuming that the only ways to implement effective reform are to start from scratch ( as with McMaster 's course , utilising problem based learning in small groups ) or to adopt wholesale change as at Harvard .
8 If you want to buy expensive goods , the best advice must be to buy from stores in Britain ( because here , your complaint is with the retailer , not the manufacturer ) and to campaign for EC consumer protection laws .
9 The tricky part will be to squeeze from service industries alone the entire 4% of annual productivity increases that the government wants for the economy as a whole .
10 Now the war was over she seriously thought that the answer might be to move from Cramer altogether .
11 If we 're vegetarian another possible act of penance would be to abstain from alcohol or cigarettes .
12 With twenty five we 're likely to die falling off a ladder than you are to die from AIDS .
13 EC steel tariffs are to drop from 5% in 1992 to zero in 1997 .
14 But I can remember once when I was at the school Mrs was our music teacher and we were to go from doh to far , you know doh to far , and they used to s , she used to say listen to Mabel , Mabel 's the only one one of you that can go from doh to far .
15 If , in Lady Chatterley 's Lover , the scales were to fall from Connie 's eyes and she were to see the worship of Mellor 's phallus for what it is , a means of subordinating and oppressing women , she could free herself and develop her authentic will , ego and individuality .
16 The Heartbreakers were to fall from grace with violent rapidity towards the end of 1977 , only to re-emerge as cult heroes in 1984 .
17 The four hundred and ninety-five thousand lorry loads of stone needed to build the pyramid which the students planned as their mausoleum , were to come from Headington quarry .
18 Supplies of Soviet arms were to cease from Jan. 1 , 1992 , and the Soviet side agreed to withdraw all of its military advisers .
19 If we were to move from standstill to cutbacks , we would expect to see further changes in behaviour .
20 In Raymond Aron 's words , ‘ The essence of capitalist exchange is to proceed from money to money by way of commodity and end up with more money than one had at the outset ’ .
21 The lower rate of SSP is to increase from £45.30 to £46.95 a week with the lower earnings threshold ( below which SSP is not payable ) increasing from £54 to £56 a week .
22 One of the more commonly used methods of sales forecasting is to obtain from salesforce personnel and sales managers their combined view of sales to be expected during the forecast period .
23 Indeed it is used , in 26 of its 27 occurrences , literally ; in the other case , " The highway of the upright is to depart from evil " ( Prov 16.17 ) , we have the impression that the metaphor is freshly minted for the occasion , and there can be little question that is typically a literal road .
24 To shrink from examining this broad historical and cultural reference system is to shrink from reality .
25 The safest way to ensure that you are getting the best practical business advice for your money is to buy from Croner .
26 The easy course , in fact , in a life of ‘ self-sufficiency ’ is to drift from day to day , working hard but always responding to circumstances ; on a subsistence holding like ours , there is always somewhere to be weeded ; something to be mended or maintained .
27 At the same time , one introduces the idea of thermal energy , heat , and in many situations the requirement is in fact is to start from energy in one form , such as heat from burning oil , to satisfy a requirement for energy in another form , in other words mechanical energy — the turning of a shaft — so somewhere there has to be a device which converts the heat energy into mechanical energy .
28 The PowerLan two-user starter kit is priced from £138 , and the single user add-on package is to cost from £69 .
29 A horse , being a herd animal , is naturally suspicious and his first instinct is to run from danger .
30 NORTHERN Ireland is to separate from Scotland and have its own region under the National Council of the Federation of Master Builders .
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