Example sentences of "be [subord] [pron] [modal v] " in BNC.

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1 Erm they 're as you can see , still a bit awkward but much easier to use than these .
2 Profit commented : ‘ The desire to reach the summit , the anguish there would have been if we 'd come close but misses it , pushed us forward , despite our exhaustion .
3 Mr Kinnock has been If we can not win now , when everything is against the Government , when can we ever win again ? consistently less popular than his party .
4 Well , you would have been if you 'd come here …
5 The one thing that would have persuaded him to accept an invitation for the Stuttgart Ballet to go to South Africa would have been if he could show a really good black dancer working alongside the whites .
6 It would have been if I 'd have carried on .
7 I am if we can get a sitter .
8 ‘ I 'll tell you where I am if you 'll tell me what your lucky number is . ’
9 I well I 'm on about doing some stuff I am cos I ca n't get , ca n't find what I want , build my own yeah
10 but they are cos they ca n't
11 No matter where I wander I am haunted by your name The portrait of your beauty stays the same sailing on the ocean wondering where you are if you 'll return again where is the ring I gave to Nancy Spain …
12 I am supposing we can include the patient as a real conscious person as ‘ part ’ of the nursing activity .
13 But it does not matter Elsie how far away you are because I will always love you .
14 I 've got to take in a promotional drinks party first , and as the Press will be there they 'll focus on you like the leeches they are because you 'll be a new face . ’
15 And you ca n't get too comfortable with where you are because you could be a nobody tomorrow .
16 Although there 's some , but these sort of pictures they always look darker than they actually are because you can see the sun is still pretty high up , so , I imagine that the surrounding scene was still in quite sunlight , but , looking straight into the sun , as we are here , albeit behind the clouds
17 But then you you also have to evaluate what what your priorities are because you can only go to so many people for funding ca n't you .
18 And it 's easy to tell if they are because there 'd be their car by the roadside . ’
19 Gartmore investors will have to wait until the end of January to know who the new owners will be although it will almost certainly be an overseas based group .
20 I was terrified when Herman , like someone in her books , turned to me and said : ‘ How delightful it would be if one could hear what she 's saying when she does this .
21 By the time this chore was finished , I was so tired I fell into a doze on the veranda , dreaming of a Gauguin nude of Aleena 's grandmother , and then of a painting of Tiare and her daughter , and then how easy it would be if they could all come and live with me and we could just hang the pictures on the walls and enjoy them .
22 It is rather like feeling that the dark companion of Sirius is somehow less certainly known because we infer its presence from its gravitational effect upon the Dog Star than it would be if we could actually see it — as if gravity were somehow less real than light .
23 The proceedings here are judicial , not autocratic , which they would be if we could make laws instead of administering them . ’
24 The only thing that would help would be if we could finish off this Leila business . ’
25 More soon of this exciting saga , which is due to be turned into a TV epic or will be if we can fix up a deal with anyone .
26 Think of how surprised the well-heeled audience beyond the velvet curtain would be if it could see what was going on back here , the last-minute mayhem that came of packing a dozen models and heaven only knew how many assistants , hairdressers , make-up people , and general , all-purpose ‘ gofers ’ into the cramped space that lay backstage at the Sala dell'Arte .
27 My good sister , how happy should I be if I might be admitted to a conversation with you at your grate .
28 Actually , the best thing would be if I could get back to you .
29 The best feeling would be if I could just dismiss everyone else from my mind .
30 What a sad creature I 'd be if I could n't promise future children black , peaty lochans full of newts , hillsides teeming with deer , hares and stoats and skies full of soaring majestic birds .
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