Example sentences of "be [v-ing] down [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Less robust , but far more weighty , messages of similar import from Conservative back-benchers have been raining down on the heads of Norman Lamont and John Major since Tuesday 's announcement that VAT will be imposed on domestic gas , electricity and coal .
2 It did not help the Irish , either , that they may well have been winding down after the Five Nations Championship whereas New Zealand 's players were hitting top gear with early-season All Black trials .
3 Thames valley police are cracking down on bad driving .
4 If you are walking down into the centre along Avenida do Infante , after the Savoy Hotel you pass the modern Casino Park Hotel and , behind it , the new Casino .
5 ‘ You are a right dickhead — ’ I broke it to him gently — ‘ if you think we are driving down to Brixton in that . ’
6 He had been looking down into her face , lit by the candle he carried , but some sound had turned his eyes to the back of the hall .
7 I am looking down on the world , but it does not stretch away over nebulous distant horizons .
8 The main disadvantage of this arrangement is that the cameras are looking down on those speaking from the front-benches , and , unless they take care to keep their heads up , the tops of their heads rather than their faces are exposed on the screen .
9 The gardens outside my window are bowing down to the heat of the afternoon , but my mind is racing in this stillness , like a dust devil on the apparently windless plains .
10 Like , yes , the gold fish bowl on chains , they 're hanging down on chains
11 Take the heat out by having cool showers ( use a water-resistant suncream if you 're cooling down in the pool ) and use an aftersun lotion to ease the tingling and to stop your skin drying out .
12 but erm they 're coming over and they 're coming to our house on the Thursday and on the Saturday morning we 're driving down to which is down near .
13 Today when you look down from the top of the mountain which once provided jobs for 85 per cent of the male population you 're looking down on one of the poorest cities in Bolivia.When the price of tin crashed on the world markets in 1985 the state mines were closed down and 25,000 people lost their jobs .
14 It 's surprising how much louder they seem to get when you 're bedding down for the night .
15 ‘ Look , we 're going down on Saturday .
16 WHILE the Ipswich fans taunted ‘ You 're going down with the Arsenal ’ , Town star John Wark predicted that troubled Manchester United could still walk off with the first Premier League Championship .
17 We 're going down to the village .
18 ‘ I 'm meeting her tomorrow off the boat train , ’ Harry replied , ‘ and we 're going down to Calking together .
19 We 're going down to the beach to look for mussels . ’
20 ‘ We 're going down to Redland Bay to have dinner on his boat and go for a sail , ’ she invented fluently .
21 Cos you 're going down to are n't you on Wednesday ?
22 So after you 've finished training , you 're going down to the library , yes , to look up the names of the people luve in Street , and once you 've been on that appointment you 've got to go back to the branch and you 're gon na do your mail shots whatever you 're gon na do , put it in there .
23 Erm , they 're going down to Bicknoller erm , to stay with her mum .
24 They 're going down to Somerset
25 used to be er , you know as you 're going down to infirmary down from you turn right on the road do n't you ?
26 you 're going down into park
27 Right we 're going down in a minute , yeah .
28 Er locally no real troubles on the M One er if you 're heading down to Leicestershire we have the work at twenty two on the M One not really causing too many troubles but some brand new work on the go in Northants today between junctions nineteen and eighteen that 's the M Six down towards Rugby .
29 But perhaps when you 're lying down on the floor and tied up by little people you can hardly see and do n't believe in , that 's not the best time to start communicating .
30 ‘ We 're getting down to the real stuff — mosaics , some wall plaster , animal bones and there are signs of a hypocaust . ’
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