Example sentences of "be [v-ing] because we " in BNC.

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1 So they 're looking because we we at precision now need it but we need it faster than if we if we awaited for this , then put in and so on .
2 You know what you 're getting because we 've had it before .
3 We do n't really know a lot about how much sediment load they 've been carrying because we have been measuring the amount of material being carried by Sussex rivers for the last decade to two decades , so our level of information is very , very low .
4 ‘ I think men 's attitudes are changing because we 're making them change but most of the best jobs still go to the men . ’
5 I mean should n't we be abreast of what 's happening because we
6 It is no good complaining about militants running everything if we have not spotted what is happening because we 're so busy doing it the way ‘ we always do ’ .
7 There was an offer in the letter if my memory 's correct but it did n't actually specify what their offer was and really I think what the Council want to do is exactly what they are offering because we have to be minded all the time that the that er applicant does not own all the land and , and certainly it is , is , is the wish I think of this Council , I believe unanimously , and , and I think a lot of the residents , that we do somehow acquire a pedestrian link .
8 We knew he was coming because we could see him calling at our neighbours in the yard first .
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