Example sentences of "be [v-ing] for [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Oh Micky Mars Bars been knocking for me , Clinton 's supposed to be knocking for me , Jay do n't know what the fuck 's he 's , he 's supposed to be doing !
2 Pat herself has been very ill and people in QP have been praying for her .
3 I 've been praying for him and this looks like the best possible outcome .
4 Well , er the C B I and other bodies are pressing for them to come down at once , er John Major has said it 's only a question of time .
5 The four nations have also announced a ban on herring-fishing , claiming that the species is dangerously over-harvested , and are pressing for it to be registered under Appendix I of CITES ( which bans all exploitation ) .
6 Do n't worry , I 've told the solicitors that are appearing for us on the sixteenth of July that that 's the situation , that the have not joined in all of the partners
7 She had been aching for him since she had first seen him straddling that bike with such lazy arrogance .
8 You ca n't imagine how I have been aching for you
9 erm Has that been a concern of unions , or has it been other sorts of organisations that have been pressing for them over the years ?
10 ‘ There 's two young women here are dying for it ! ’
11 Well driving and for erm you know he had plant hire , he 'd been driving for him and that .
12 But she 'd taken an instant liking to you and for years she 'd been agitating for me to settle down . ’
13 Because I 've been keeping a record of everything that 's been happening for you , you know , so you wo n't have missed anything . ’
14 We have been looking for her for three weeks .
15 So he 'd been looking for her .
16 They were barely inside the front door when the elderly housekeeper appeared and told Cinzia that Signorina Cook had been looking for her .
17 At the big house I met the Officer who had been looking for me earlier on .
18 She must have been looking for me because a few seconds later she spotted me and came over .
19 ‘ You 've been looking for me ? ’
20 She calmly told me that the police had called round and that Nassim had been looking for me .
21 They 've been looking for me to take me back . ’
22 He has lived in this pleasant suburb 45 years , entirely unaware that Kirk , Keef , Claptout and all of Led Zeppelin had been looking for him to apologise for stealing his songs and to pay him much-needed royalties .
23 ‘ He did n't realise that people all over the world have been looking for him . ’
24 This might sound , to Albert , as if she 'd been looking for him .
25 He said , ‘ In fact , they 've been looking for him .
26 I 've been looking for him all afternoon , but he must have been tied up with work .
27 ‘ Professor Howard has been looking for you , ’ she informed me .
28 ‘ We 've been looking for you for ages , ’ he said .
29 ‘ I 've been looking for you everywhere .
30 I 've been looking for you everywhere .
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