Example sentences of "be [num] [prep] those " in BNC.

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1 From a perspective in anthropology where social systems were all equally valid , I teased her about cultural police rigidities which caused this rejection of the alternative views she was being asked to examine , to the point where she refused to lunch with me in the Students ' Union , because , ‘ you 're one of those bloody communists I have to listen to ’ .
2 ‘ Hello , you 're one of those Brownie girls who use my barn , are n't you ? ’
3 ‘ I do n't know whether you 're one of those who are interested in such things — from what I know of you I 'd say probably not .
4 If you 're one of those who ca n't walk much , you 've got to be very careful to exercise your self-will .
5 If you 're one of those people who 'd rather err on the safe side , the best advice is to avoid meat products which use scraps from cattle bones , such as pate and some cheap sausages .
6 Never tell me you 're one of those pie-bald vultures who interferes with Nature 's design of life and death by forcing gruel down the throats of those who belong in the grave ? "
7 Fortunately , computer buyers are spared the one thing which afflicts consumers of prestige-based goods : computer brand names do n't confer any status unless you 're one of those nerds who hangs out with hackers and reckons that one 's image is enhanced by owning Conner , ATI , Logitech or whatever .
8 The remastering will only really matter if you 're one of those bores with expensive stereos , but if you 're that sort of person then that 's reason enough to buy this .
9 ‘ Except that you admitted last night that you do n't lead an absolutely pure life yourself , I could almost believe that you 're one of those buttoned-up celibates , offended by the mere idea of any sort of relationship , even if it 's between other people . ’
10 The remastering will only really matter if you 're one of those bores with expensive stereos , but if you 're that sort of person then that 's reason enough to buy this .
11 You 're one of those people everybody adores .
12 Some people find prison easy to take , but I do n't think you 're one of those .
13 But then again , how is the individual management to know if it happens to be one of those which ought to acknowledge a responsibility to maintain or lower prices , or whether it is one of the lucky ones which can be let off that responsibility ?
14 Friends of the Earth relies on gifts from concerned people , and if you have taken the trouble to read this letter , I sincerely believe you may be one of those who will help .
15 The bloke with the stick might be one of those — what do you call them ? — eccentrics .
16 Bromley would be one of those writers who produce corpses .
17 We have several apartments for 2–4 people dotted around San Antonio and your actual apartment will be allocated on arrival in Ibiza ; it will be one of those featured in the brochure or one of similar standard .
18 Your studio , hotel or apartment will be allocated on arrival and will be one of those featured in the brochure or one of a similar standard .
19 I hope you will not be one of those who suffer but the increasing chance makes your Home Risks Insurance more essential than ever and I am very pleased that you have chosen to buy your protection from Legal and General .
20 ‘ She might be one of those modern women .
21 I was not going to be one of those mothers who cried , and I did n't . '
22 YOU MAY BE one of those millions of people suffering from backache , stiff neck , headaches , arthritis or other symptoms for which there seems to be no answer .
23 You may be one of those people who is easily swayed by a superficially attractive candidate with a strong personality , or you may be someone who is most influenced by the person you last spoke to .
24 Instinct told me it was going to be one of those days the moment I removed the little grey shrivelled chicken from the oven .
25 This could be one of those tours when the test or top XV are quickly established , and the other players simply have mid-week wanders to keep them busy .
26 It seemed it might be one of those nights when frustration would creep in and undermine Villa 's supremacy .
27 ‘ We do n't want to be one of those faceless bands who go on Top Of The Pops , have two hits and that 's it .
28 If this thing breaks , it is n't going to be one of those simple little border clashes .
29 Harris , Heston claimed , may appear to be very strong , but he ‘ does seem to be one of those people who seemed to enjoy ill health .
30 ‘ When I finish playing football I 'll probably be coaching and be one of those still playing in Wimbledon 's reserves at 40 .
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