Example sentences of "be [v-ing] [noun prp] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ He 's been seeing Jessie and ’ — she bowed her head — ‘ she 's going to have a baby . ’
2 IBM Corp and Apple Computer Inc are trolling Japan and Europe looking for folks willing to join a consortium to create a multimedia standard around a cross-platform compound document specification and ‘ Kaleida Script , ’ a common scripting language based on AppleScript that would be co-developed , according to Electronic Engineering Times .
3 Other more experienced skiers are earmarking March or April as the best candidates for reliable cover .
4 ‘ I am not representing CND , I am not representing the Vatican , I am representing Tottenham and I think many other people as well . ’
5 Other good buys can be had from the Staatssicherheitsdienst ( State Security Service — the East German secret police ) , or rather its liquidators , who are off-loading TVs and tape recorders .
6 Jahsaxa swept into the tasteful reception room she 'd been keeping Roirbak and Tammuz waiting in for over half an hour .
7 I am meeting Enya and the Ryans somewhere near her carefully guarded Killiney residence on a silvery wet and foggy autumn day .
8 While Prince Charles had been capturing Perth and advancing on Edinburgh Castle Cope had led his main army east from Inverness to Aberdeen and then , making use of his superiority in seapower , had it shipped to Dunbar on the East Lothian coast , about 34 miles [ 54 km ] due east of Edinburgh .
9 Thus mining companies in the West are eyeing Morocco and Australia as possible sources of cobalt .
10 If you 're enjoying Brighton & Hove on a budget there are also bistros , pizza places and good old fish and chips .
11 I take it I take it you 're representing Leeds or are you speaking also on behalf of your colleague from Bradford ?
12 So you 're going Saturday and coming back
13 I got more chance of catching a fish now cos we 're going Saturday and Sunday !
14 You 've got the fact that you we 're paying Dennis but we do n't employ Dennis you know he 's he 's so there there 's the extra cost there what you would n't have anywhere else .
15 Erm , but because last July was very heavy , er , you 're expecting Graham that erm w we might well be showing a down turn again next month and that 's what
16 Erm so erm but of course I mean t to make the point because it does n't really contradict what you 're saying Heather because of course the rather more extreme kinds of Protestant Sects that do emphasise for example erm er narrow dogmatic teaching much more so you could say that erm and I think this would perhaps be the answer to , to Oliver 's point to some extent because it goes back to Dean 's original point that erm here we 're we we 're talking about a general theory of groups , but of course some groups can be more groupie than others .
17 You 're taking Benolin as well are n't you ?
18 ‘ We 're going to Disneyland and we 're taking John and Paul , ’ Claire says decisively .
19 ‘ What d' you two young buggers want ? ’ he grinned , as he fastened the buckle of his wide leather belt ‘ We 're taking Molly and her mate for a picnic Selwyn , ’ Yanto replied Selwyn 's nut brown , weathered face split into another grin .
20 and you eat all that , then they have the sweet courses to go from and all the time you 're drinking Carlsberg before you go in , then er , like er , a Danish snack like aquavit
21 I mean , there 's kids round my way who are 11 or 12 years old and they 're dropping Es and smoking draw .
22 And if we 're combining Morrissey and The Smiths ' covers , it 's only fair to point out the relative regularity with which three others have had their mugs used to shift copies .
23 Tony you know you 're prepping Monday and Tuesday
24 In fact the Jag is just about the only one that can really wipe the smiles off their drivers ' faces , unless you 're talking Rolls-Royce or Bentley .
25 So whether you 're visiting Perth or Penzance , you need never go short of cash .
26 You 're you 're proposing Tony that we do write to the bus company again and ask if the buses can come through just say through Halam rather than go down Station Lane at Edingley ?
27 I am expecting Crilly and he is late .
28 The crowd are now on Antony 's side and are calling Brutus and the rest of the conspirators traitors .
29 Treatment was continued by the clinical psychologist who had previously been treating W. Whilst at this unit W. displayed violence towards the staff and began injuring herself by picking her skin .
30 ‘ Kevin will be seeing Gavin and his father in London next Monday , ’ said Keegan 's assistant , Terry McDermott , yesterday .
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