Example sentences of "be [conj] [pers pn] had " in BNC.

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1 But first I want to say how sorry I am that I had to send Dawn to you instead of coming myself as I promised .
2 Once he had hit her so hard when she would n't tell him where she 'd been that she had had concussion .
3 Or , perhaps , it may have been that she had married him .
4 According to her foster brother , another clue had been that she had so blatantly considered Vitor to be ‘ a real cool dude ’ , but she saw no reason to reveal that .
5 One of these had been that he had suggested going to the Isle of Wight on holiday with the same friends , every year , self-catering .
6 The attraction of Lucas Simmonds had been that he had appeared to be confidently , unusually , happily " normal " , good friend , good sport , reliable leader , bright chap , blazer , flannels and smiling face .
7 And they were grown apiece while he was away and they were better than ever and the deal was been that he had was gon na give them the best two cattle you see and this was this was the best two animals he had .
8 If you 're if you had n't earned the money well you did n't go into it in detail and get the time and motion study man
9 The argument is that it was easier for them to maintain the part of their image of statelessness which consisted of ‘ how we have always done things ’ , than it would have been if they had individually moved into town and settled into a bidonville .
10 Then , quickly she opened the door and went out and left them standing in a half circle , silent , no laughter on their faces now , just memories of what might have been if they had had a child like the little girl who used to run into them , and a daughter as she was now .
11 By restricting the right to vote to fully accepted church members , political power in Massachusetts was placed in the hands of the godly men who had led the expedition ; those who had joined the expedition merely in the hope of a better standard of living found their efforts justified by success because , despite some difficult times in the 1630s , the labouring population in the colony by the 1640s was fairly certainly more prosperous than they would have been if they had stayed in England , and about 20,000 people had settled in New England at a total cost of about £200,000 .
12 There was no evidence as to what the Perots ' attitude would have been if they had been asked for more than $2.5m. for Caliban .
13 For it hardly damages the contemporary legislature 's ability to work its will if judges decline to speculate about how to read cloudy rules from the dead past or what the intentions of people very different from contemporary legislators would have been if they had thought about a problem they actually ignored .
14 A pension at the rate of the officer 's pensionable pay is payable for note less than 91 days to the spouse of an officer who dies in service with less than 2 years qualifying service , his widow will receive an annual pension of up to one-half of what his/her pension would have been if he/she had been retired on ill health grounds on the date of his/her death .
15 The excitement is in the expectation that , having been around and seen all that you can , the end product will be at least a little more interesting than it might have been if you had stayed at home .
16 They 're over the river by this time , and so should I have been if you had not come so prompt to your hour .
17 Maybe H R T was helping what her symptoms would have been if she had n't taken them , maybe they were worse because she was , maybe they were the same in spite of it , but I du n no .
18 How much easier and clearer it might have been if it had been possible to say that both parents and husband were equally concerned and that they might all talk together .
19 This is in part due to practice ; but there is also an influence of maturation , for if a chick is prevented from pecking at food during its second day , it will still be better at pecking on its third than on its first day ( Figure 3.5 ) but it will not be as accurate as it would have been if it had been allowed to practise .
20 The Chief Constable fussed around the Bishop , the press had been shut up , or anyway given a damn sight less than they would have been if it had n't been a priest 's body , or rather , head .
21 He mused on how different his life would have been if he had met Viola when he was twenty-two , or rather someone like her , for she would not even have been a twinkle in her parents ' eyes at that stage .
22 As usual , Len had side-tracked himself , but what would his reaction have been if he had satisfied his curiosity and said , ‘ Yes , I have a mother : she is now living alone in a manor house in Northumberland , ’ and had gone on to tell him , why .
23 Bartlett 's recall may be elusive , while the popular Roland Lefebvre is left pondering sadly on what might have been if he had not suffered that pre-season arm injury in a misplaced prank involving Sussex 's Brad Donelan .
24 Yet there should have been if he had walked across that floor without his boots on .
25 His injuries were worse than they would have been if he had been wearing a seat belt .
26 4.5 In Lim Poh Choo v Camden and Islington Area Health Authority [ 1980 ] AC 174 ( per Lord Scarman giving the main speech with which the rest of their Lordships agreed ) the House of Lords re-affirmed what Lord Blackburn had said over 100 years ago : " the principle of the law is that compensation should as nearly as possible put the party who has suffered in the same position as he would have been if he had not sustained the wrong " ( Livingstone v Rawyards Coal Co ( 1880 ) 5 App Cas 25 , 39 ) .
27 But equally , how presumptuous it would have been if he had not believed it after Christ had spoken it .
28 Perhaps in his way he was the sort of cricketer I would like to have been if I had possessed the talent .
29 What use would it have been if I had gone into the lounge without something like that ?
30 I often wondered how different my life might have been if I had had a wife and family to come home to all these years .
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