Example sentences of "be [conj] [noun] get " in BNC.

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1 But why should it be that Peggy gets a lift from knowing that she has ‘ beaten ’ Boris ?
2 Madame wondered how long it would be before Boy got his hair cropped short so that he looked just like the others .
3 You 've been since Tasha got married have n't you ?
4 But the danger is that things get too cosy .
5 The really stupid thing is that Pardy got everything so wrong .
6 The result is that Griffith gets room to roam into those spaces where she performs best as a blue balladeer .
7 The answer is that Billy got his hands on the rugby world cup .
8 The point here is that techniques get evaluated and researched but programmes and policies do not , with the result that the ‘ social factors ’ which block policies tend to go unresearched too , or at best identified piecemeal , although lip-service to their importance is sometimes paid .
9 Wh what you 're also saying is , is right though , that within that the danger is that inequalities get too great and you would also need a set of policies which would stop that inequality .
10 ‘ The thing is that killing got to be a habit with Mario ’ , adds his friend Juan .
11 ‘ That 's because gravity gets stronger the closer you are to that central point .
12 What they did not foresee was that people got the impression they were going to be crushed or trampled underfoot and , though the 30,000 portions of pie were eaten , many people opted to stay away .
13 And as certainly as she knew these things , Cassie also knew that however it was that Johnny got his kicks , it was not for her .
14 What happened instead was that Milton got caught up in politics and when the Civil War began he devoted his energy to pamphleteering .
15 Gale told him it was and Ramprakash got changed , jumped into his car and zoomed off .
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