Example sentences of "be [conj] [pron] we " in BNC.

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1 Elaine , a 16-year-old girl who has spent most of her life on the streets of Rio de Janeiro , in Brazil , puts it better : ‘ I dream of a better world , a world where children and adults are no longer abandoned , tortured and murdered because of who we are or what we do …
2 Regardless of who we are or what we may do in life all of us have an upper limit to the stress that our bodies can take .
3 Did we talk about where we 'd been and what we 'd done , what we 'd seen and what had happened ?
4 The greater the sense of pride in who we are and what we do , the more we feel we deserve reward and praise .
5 For most of us , though , gaining recognition from others is to some extent dependent on our confidence in letting others know who we are and what we 're about .
6 It is important that we help each other tell the truth about who we are and what we 've done .
7 We feel subjectively that we have the ability to choose who we are and what we do .
8 If the company ‘ goes under ’ , I fear R will regard the years he has spent on it as wasted , it seems to be a feature of modern society that we tend to judge who we are and what we 've achieved , even what success is , by our work above everything else .
9 Look at what they are and what we are .
10 ‘ We want to make sure that UK handling agents , Scottish hotels and in particular coach operators are aware of who we are and what we have to offer their clients . ’
11 Maybe one of you good bodies over the water would fax this to Elland Road with a short message stating who we are and what we want : - ) )
12 When adolescence hits us , feelings about ourselves are at their most intense , bound up so much with identity , a sense of who we are and who we might be .
13 The differences between who we are and who we are becoming .
14 It provides us with a map ; it tells us where we are and who we are .
15 It may be that what we are protecting children from is not so much the awful consequences of their ignorant decisions but of the burden of responsibility for those decisions which children are not yet ready to bear and which , for entirely non-political reasons , we can not choose to impose upon them .
16 But it may be that what we do is is as you say that we Does that guidance thing give general broad headings ?
17 And it might be that what we 've got to do is t is to change that to perhaps include P Way .
18 So what we need to be able to identify is that , al although we will gain the worst scenario ought to be that whatever we lose in terms of auto-off reports and units reports to some extent we should be gaining by the improved productivity overall .
19 It may be that everything we do is determined by some grand unified theory .
20 The corollary of this position is that whatever we are not , that is what the others are .
21 That , part of th , of the issue I think about us , perhaps feeling that we do n't have traditions th is that we we are still rediscovering our own history , and I think a lot of traditions grow out of historical events or historical personages .
22 This is the some the th one of the things I was going to suggest about I was going to leave it till next meeting , is that we we try and organize ourselves so that we are not su Last year I found myself sitting there frantically writing names on raffle tickets , knowing I was going out to play in about ten minutes , but there was nobody there to take over .
23 it 's not a reflex action that the Labour Party somehow engages in , but there are things that we need to rave raise revenue for , such as investment in the economy , like our social policies , and that the way that we will raise revenue is that we we will have a fair taxation system , that is very straightforward , and agreed by the Party , unlike the Conservatives who firstly do n't recognize there is any purpose in investment in the economy , public investment , or investment in social policies they do n't agree with , and secondly , when they do have to raise money they do it in the unfairest possible way , penalizing most those who can least
24 We , even even that is is that we we we we we even had a party on faxing , did n't we ?
25 Erm as to the assertion that Harrogate wants office jobs and not industrial jobs , and I think the main point there is that we we 're simply trying to achieve jobs to meet the needs of our resident workforce .
26 well what we do is that we we all know each-other 's hand- writing so we borrow each-other 's pens and like last night I did all of maths prep and he , we 'll both remember that , and then one night when I 'm like under a lot of pressure to do some prep , he 'll like return the favour
27 My feeling is that what we ought to do is preserve areas of countryside without having to have this excuse for doing it .
28 The implication is that what we really need is a properly enforced SSAP 6 approach .
29 The point is that what we have in the life business is a cash flow statement , and no p&l account .
30 The thing is that what we need and what 's missing from this is in fact the balance that was available at the time we started this period .
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