Example sentences of "be [conj] [pron] the " in BNC.

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1 But tennis players do n't seem to know where they are or what the weather is like .
2 The advantage of using a switch which is either completely off or completely on over any form of variable resistance as in linear supplies , is that no power is dissipated in this sort of control element , whatever the load requirements are or whatever the voltage developed across the switch happens to be .
3 There had n't been time on the way up to ask him what the results of the tests had been or what the union had consequently decided .
4 In this instance , that is in the interests of taxpayers and also of managers and employees because it is only through learning what the values are and what the method of bidding is that they will achieve a learning curve .
5 The problem is to assess how responsive these processes are and what the residual long-term effects are on employment prospects in the area initially affected .
6 individual franchises will vary , depending on how successful they are and what the bids are
7 Erm and I think just by way of introductory comment , I I refer to the the paper that that North Yorkshire put round , N Y eleven , erm in which there there 's a far fuller discussion in there of what of what the environmental constraints are and what the considerations should be .
8 We have I have got I we have produced for you today , some detailed plans showing you what the capacities are of the routes , what the present flows are and what the effects of the new settlement will be upon those capacities .
9 Further , since most cases never end up in court , it may be that what the client will have to pay the solicitor will not be covered by the other party as agreed costs .
10 An old-fashioned view of speech communication would be that what the speaker intends to say is coded , or represented , as a string of phonemes just like a phonemic transcription , and what a hearer hears is also converted by the brain from sound waves into a similar string of phonemes .
11 Looking further ahead , he added : ‘ Much of what matters for Courtaulds in the next century will be decided between now and 1995 — what kind of company we 're going to be and what the balance between the businesses will be . ’
12 Much of what matters for Courtaulds in the next century — what kind of company we 're going to be and what the balance between the businesses should be — will be decided between now and 1995 .
13 In her nacreous haze , Chesarynth was trying to puzzle out who the speakers were and what the boy Karel whoever he was — had done to raise such spikes of hatred in the old woman 's tone .
14 This is so whatever the formal or legal scope of the institution .
15 This is so whatever the size of the shareholdings in the company .
16 Apart from the dimensions and shape of the pot , an important point to remember is that whatever the colour or decoration on the outside of the pots or jars used for potted meats , the inside should be of a pale colour and preferably white , so that the delicate creams and pinks of the contents with their layer of yellow butter look fresh and appetizing against their background .
17 The advantage of a Center Parcs break , however , is that whatever the weather you can bask in the centre 's sun-tropical ‘ Swimming Paradise ’ where the temperature is maintained at a constant 84°F .
18 The investigators also seek to explain why it is that whatever the complexion and resolve of the government of the date , public spending has apparently irresistible momentum .
19 What is now proposed is that whatever the size of the police authority there will still be a body of appointees er m m made by the Secretary of State .
20 His view is that what the Soviet Union has in small quantities is as good as the technology of the West , but that the country lacks the ability to turn out production volumes .
21 Its view is that what the Commission propose is probably already the law and that a court would in any case normally have regard to reasonable regulatory rules or market practice .
22 I think the the truth of the matter is that what the committee needs is this information that we 've got in front of us .
23 What is clear is that they the system will only work if hospitals really do need to compete with one another to obtain their business .
24 I would like to know how old the pump is and what the original price would have been .
25 Okay what I ask you to do as with being assertive , first of all be clear about what it is that you 're going to try and do , be clear about what it is and what the situation is , explain it to the partner and then try it and let's see how it doing .
26 Surely the test of all this is not necessarily how big the Government grant for acquisitions is but what the galleries are able to acquire .
27 Well if that were so my Lord then there would never be any any solicitor 's negligence claims , in which any expert was ever called to give evidence because it 's always going to be eventually a matter of law as to what the defendant 's duty is but what the er what the plaintiff had not said at any stage is that a matter of law is ever going to be admissible and in fact the is Justice our in the course of er er a case in which he , despite expressing reservations about the admissibility of the evidence , plainly admitted it because he was within the course of his judgement .
28 Can I assist here ? the motion that has been mooted and the amendment has been proposed the amendment has been accepted the question now is whether what the the motion has been made and uh it is a matter for you to go to your suggested that certain members be allowed to speak at the end of the day it is a matter for you to decide uh control of the who is allowed to speak on that particular motion as amended of course
29 They did n't know who I was or what the Third World was .
30 The only good thing about the extreme cold of the water , I thought , was that whatever the damage , the blood loss was being minimised .
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