Example sentences of "be [adv] because the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The best referees ought to be here , but some of them are not because the SRA is cutting back on everything , ’ said Davies .
2 erm Because the loggers have been , as I said earlier , logging 24 hours around the clock , and they 're supposed to be logging over a 70 year cycle , and they 're not because the companies have only got three year licenses , and basically the indigenous people have just had enough , so they started to block the logging roads .
3 It would do yes , but w , wo , imagine that they 're there because the team 's now for solving problems .
4 We 're there because the Conservative party chose us , and put us there .
5 Although it is argued that the total value of the firm will remain constant , it is shown that this will be so because the price of equity will fall so as to offset the impact of using debt .
6 But the benefit of a second one-year set-aside , if the scheme is extended , would be less because the reduced area of cereals harvested in 1992 would reduce the co-responsibility levy refund .
7 So y y y you , you , you , you 've got at least three things which are all sort of brewing up there and you think good grief what a , what a , what a state to be in because the poor doctor does n't know what on earth to do , poor Jan does n't know , well it 's worse for Jan cos she 's sitting there thinking I 'm going potty or , you know , ca n't stand properly or you know is leaning over or , or numb down one side of her face or , or or whatever it was , it was i i it was the , the dizziness I think actually which which was most alarming .
8 And then Dawn , she rung work to say she would n't be in because the wee woman she
9 I think it 's got to be , erm they 've got to be in because the , they 've got to be collected in October .
10 It crossed my mind that if he had changed his opinions it might be partly because the squalor and expense of the flat — made worse by my bad housekeeping — had begun to get him down .
11 Once sitting ( it will be sideways because the palms of your hands are on the floor ) , slowly raise your head .
12 It could not be otherwise because the very difference and supremacy of the West were constructed around this image of Arab and Islamic otherness .
13 What I do know is that all you people are here because the Fascists have given the list of your names to our headquarters . ’
14 ‘ You can tell the Queen and all the Royals are there because the flag 's up the pole . ’
15 He found that 51.96 per cent of those in ‘ primary poverty ’ were so because the chief breadwinner was ‘ in regular work but at low wages ’ ; 22.16 per cent of primary poverty was due , in modern terminology , to ‘ child poverty ’ , i.e. the family had more than four children and insufficient income to support so large a family ; 15.63 per cent to ‘ death of chief wage-earner ’ ; 5.11 per cent to the illness and old age of chief wage-earner ; 2.83 per cent to ‘ irregularity of work ’ ; 2.31 per cent to unemployment .
16 But his mature convictions were the effect of a long organised retreat from the simple dualities of youthful Marxism — capitalism against socialism , bourgeois against prole — and the first of his books ever to see print , Down and Out in Paris and London ( 1933 ) , had been emphatic that Marxist analysis fails to correspond to observed experience , the gradations insisted on by the kitchen-staff of a Parisian hotel or the destitute of an English doss-house being there because the poor want them to be there and not by compulsion .
17 This is presumably because the intact epithelium acts as a barrier , preventing FGF-4 from reaching the underlying mesenchyme .
18 This is presumably because the task requires the same cognitive processors as shadowing — both tasks are speech-based .
19 This is presumably because the situation was not foreseen : the Code takes a very strict line on questioning after charge , a course of action only permitted in very narrowly defined circumstance under caution ( para .
20 but I mean it 's only because the extra stuff 's in it for it to dissolve in .
21 I 've only had ever about two complaints in four and a half years , and that 's not very bad , that 's only because the filter needed cleaning , mostly .
22 It 's only because the sun 's not out I 'm
23 You , you , you may come across er legislature like this but you , you would n't be sure , when you they 're justifying it by saying that this is natural , this is a progression in er a historical progression and that in fact that it 's a erm it 's only because the , the landlords were , were sort of evil and nasty to us that , that i it , that they , this is happening .
24 I mean , it 's only because the press and the media generally know all about it ,
25 For the avoidance of doubt , Mr. Speaker , I do not intend to give way to the hon. Gentleman and , if he persists in intervening , it is merely because the Labour party 's grasp of democracy can not survive a week such as the previous one .
26 It is only because the different elements in the limb have their own positional identity that their pattern and form can be altered independently during evolution .
27 Perhaps it is only because the duties of citizenship have been reduced to a minimum in those societies , with even voting being voluntary in most of them , that they survive as unitary states at all .
28 You need to make a conscious effort especially to get the tune right — at the beginning you will probably feel that you sound strange and maybe affected , but that is only because the intonation patterns are new to you .
29 If Rainbow seems high as a kite , half-delirious , with racing pulse and her heartbeat dancing the hora , it is only because the delicious hand of Riva now lies firmly clasped within her own .
30 We know that this is so because the X-ray diffraction pattern , which shows the crystal lattice spacing , does not change when cellulose swells in water .
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